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Nov 6, 2018
If prior to landing am I able to interrupt the landing due to adverse conditions and if so how do I do this. Thankyou
Hi @Jalal, welcome to the forum;)

The answer to your question is, you can cancel RTH by pressing the RTH button or Flight Pause button on the remote controller.

Hope this answers your question.;) Enjoy your flyingThumbswayup
Mavic Air. Totally new to this. Flying in vietnam

Just take your time, read what I posted in the above thread, start in beginners mode. It tells you all about it in the manual.
Thankyou Porky. Appreciate your support. Great forum. Vietnam is a beautiful place. Look forward to exploring through the eyes of a drone
Never been their but with your photos & vids I will know Vietnam very well;)

Don’t forget to post them here for us all to see.
Will do once I get my flying legs. Shouldnt take too long. Used to be a glider pilot. Cheers mate
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Cool, so you’ll understand the aviation side of thingsThumbswayup one step in the right direction already.
Yep. Plus viet has a lot of military restricted areas to be aware of
I use this program UAVforecast, it’s brilliant.. download via iOS or Android depending what your using. It’s a free app. Plus in the Go4 app it will tell you the restricted areas.

UAV Forecast
These are things you can look into before your legs turn up.

You reading that manual yet...:D
Thanks Porky. Really appreciate. Time for afternoon nap for this old bloke. Hope to keep in touch
I really like the comaraderie on this forum. it is nice to know there are good people out there who really care.
Totally agree with your comment. When I 1st started on this & the phantom/inspire forums I got so much help & support from all members so the shoes on the other foot now, as the saying goes;)
I also think pressing the red X on your screen will cancel RTH, correct me if I'm wrong
That is correct. But I believe you also have to confirm it by tapping another button when trying to cancel on the phone/tablet. If there's a problem that you need to cancel it quickly, looking down at the screen may be too late. I just keep my thumb on the pause button and my eyes on the Mavic, on the rare occasion that I use RTH.
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