Droning on and on...
Well-Known Member
The fact that anything is forced is Negative , for example if you drone is coming down between a group of people and a lake I should have the ability to make the decision to save the people and dump my drone in the lake, Forced landing is just a stupid idea of DJI that we have to deal with . Its not about a properly trained pilot. When Helicopters have a forced landing and there happy about it , let me know ., lolll
Gear to fly in the Rain, Land on the Water and Rebel against Forced Landings
Do you oppose the forced shutdown of lipo chargers at 4.2V? (oversimplified, but the point is made)? What if someone wants to get a bit more out of their batteries by charging them to 5V... should a well-designed lipo charger allow them to do that?
The point here is a principle that anything being "forced" is automatically "Negative" is overly simplistic, and obviously not true in many cases.
We all welcome guardrails for safety's sake all the time. This is no different. The problem is it's like smoking... people are foolishly dismissive of the risk until they get lung cancer.