My name is Larry and I live in the beautiful state of New Hampshire. I've been interested in drone flight for YEARS and have watched (who knows!) how many hours of beautiful footage on YouTube. With the latest Mini 2 hitting the market, I think it's time to pull the trigger and "get with the program". I downloaded the Mini 2 manual yesterday, but still didn't see anything that would answer my questions, so here goes.
1- I do NOT own a cell phone. I know this is such a "given" in todays world, but right off the bat this seems like a death blow to the whole idea of me even considering buying a drone. My question: can I simply go to a pawn shop, buy a used cell phone (biggest screen as possible) and still fly? I don't want to pay $50, $60, $70 / month just to fly a drone. I'm sorry. My wife and I are still land-line people. If I can fly, then how would this impact me? Could I still download the latest apps or upgrades (I'm guessing hooked up to my computer via USB or whatever)? I know this is a biggie.
2- Pretty much all the flying I have in mind would need this Lichti / Wayfair app. Flying through tight spots going forward, then simply flying backwards along the same exact flight plan for those totally "WOW"! shots is what I'm dreaming of taking. I see that Lichti is still months away from getting squared away with the Mini series, so I can wait I guess.
3- And lastly, I was wondering about the Goggles. I'm guessing they work with the Mini series. They look pretty amazing.... except for the $349! Any other knock-offs you might suggest?
Any help would be so greatly appreciated! Thank you in advance. Larry
1- I do NOT own a cell phone. I know this is such a "given" in todays world, but right off the bat this seems like a death blow to the whole idea of me even considering buying a drone. My question: can I simply go to a pawn shop, buy a used cell phone (biggest screen as possible) and still fly? I don't want to pay $50, $60, $70 / month just to fly a drone. I'm sorry. My wife and I are still land-line people. If I can fly, then how would this impact me? Could I still download the latest apps or upgrades (I'm guessing hooked up to my computer via USB or whatever)? I know this is a biggie.
2- Pretty much all the flying I have in mind would need this Lichti / Wayfair app. Flying through tight spots going forward, then simply flying backwards along the same exact flight plan for those totally "WOW"! shots is what I'm dreaming of taking. I see that Lichti is still months away from getting squared away with the Mini series, so I can wait I guess.
3- And lastly, I was wondering about the Goggles. I'm guessing they work with the Mini series. They look pretty amazing.... except for the $349! Any other knock-offs you might suggest?
Any help would be so greatly appreciated! Thank you in advance. Larry