Does anyone know what would cause a bird to almost go into trees while searching for a precision landing ?
I calibrated compass before flight, set home point. Took off and flew 10 minutes with no problem. Once I activated RTH, bird came back flawlessly, started a normal descent on it's own. But once it descended and came to nearly 80 ft. it started searching for the precision landing spot it then almost drifted 40 feet into the trees. I corrected, cancelled RTH and landed, but it was close. Had 18 good satellites, 60% battery, no wind, no other detectable issues.
Does anyone know what would cause a bird to almost go into trees while searching for a precision landing ?
I calibrated compass before flight, set home point. Took off and flew 10 minutes with no problem. Once I activated RTH, bird came back flawlessly, started a normal descent on it's own. But once it descended and came to nearly 80 ft. it started searching for the precision landing spot it then almost drifted 40 feet into the trees. I corrected, cancelled RTH and landed, but it was close. Had 18 good satellites, 60% battery, no wind, no other detectable issues.