You didn't say why it was legal (NFL game-wise

). Hint: Stadium TFR.
I knew it was monitored by AeroScope because my FBI contact confirmed with me about 3 years ago. And it's common knowledge here in Denver. The Colorado Rockies also have an AeroScope too.
If I remember correctly from 3 years ago when you posted another shot, the TFR radius around NFL stadiums are not in effect during pre-season games. (Obviously doesn't negate other laws like flying over people, etc)
I have a funny story about finding out about how I found out that Gillette Stadium security in Foxboro runs Aeroscope year-round.
There is a cranberry bog and nature preserve with walking trails behind the stadium. I had been doing some low altitude fall foliage photography. I was in the middle of the woods and nowhere near the stadium and zero people around. Mid-week on a day the team wasn't even playing at home. I decided to get a couple higher altitude shots with the stadium in the background. I was just about finishing up the flight and a security guard walked right up to me and said, "Can you please bring the drone down". I couldn't figure out how he even knew I was there. He then said they were using Aeroscope and he was on radio with the guy monitoring my location.
He asked for my ID and said they would give me a warning for trespassing and that if I returned with a drone, they would notify the police. So I was not flying anywhere or doing anything illegally, but I was parked in their lot and that's the rule I broke. Lesson learned: Park across the street next time.
Anyway, the funny part was that my wallet was in the car and I told him we'd have to walk there to get my ID. When we got near my car: He says, "look over my left shoulder: Do you see that light-pole? There is a camera on there and we are being watched. This is the point that I tell you that you need to erase all the images on the SD card and you need to nod your head yes and turn your drone back on and use your remote"
I looked at him like "Huh?" And then I picked up what he was laying down. LOL. He didn't give a **** about me keeping the photos but the boss did.
Just a few weeks later, I was in Boston doing a grid over a Home Depot for a solar survey (with LAANC). All of a sudden, I was surrounded by three police cars and a van. They all came rushing out, flashing badges and started completely over-reacting and accusing me of having nefarious motives. I explained that I was doing a roof inspection and showed all my paper-work, license, etc. Should have been 5 minutes max but took 20+ minutes. They were desperately trying to find something I did wrong. So they linked that drone with me.
The next weekend, I was doing real estate photography in the South End, again with LAANC and flying legally. I was doing an orbit around a building and parked maybe 1/4 mile away from where the drone was. Unmarked cruiser pulls up to EXACTLY where I was flying from, rolls down his window and says, "Mr Harrington, good to see you again". One of the same guys from previous encounter.
But it definitely taught me a valuable lesson in how accurate the system works and how at least, the Boston Police definitely monitors it often and to fly within the rules. Not only does Aeroscope give live info: everything can be recorded and reviewed later to see who was flying where and at what altitude.
They actually busted me this spring when I was doing a time-lapse over the Charles River. Again, with LAANC and flying at a legal altitude BUT I was flying from my car. I hadn't seen the plainclothes cops walk by my car a couple times and didn't think anything of it, but they were looking for me! When the timelapse was done, I landed, and the two guys that had walked by twice came running done the street yelling, "FREEZE! DON'T MOVE" while waving their badges. One was a Fed and other was BPD. They were furious and claimed I was purposely hiding from them when they originally walked by. I absolutely thought nothing of them and had zero idea. But they were heated. So they got me on being in the car and not having LOS. They sent report into FAA but nothing came of it.