If anyone else is interested, this method works quite well (it seems complicated, but it's actually quite simple):
1. Fly to the spot from which you want to film and frame your shot.
2. Set that as the first waypoint in a Waypoint hyperlapse mission.
3. Move to the right or left to where you can set a second waypoint.
4. Run the mission. The drone will return to the first waypoint, but as soon as filming starts, hit the red shutter button to end the mission.
5. Set up a Free hyperlapse mission with the drone at that waypoint and shoot at whatever parameters you wish.
6. Rename the hyperlapse mission (it automatically saves its name as a timestamp) so that you can identify it later in the saved missions list.
7. Anytime you want to take a hyperlapse from that same spot, run the saved hyperlapse mission, but as soon as it takes the first picture, cancel the mission by pressing the red shutter button and run another Free hyperlapse mission from that spot.
8. Save all of the Free hyperlapse missions and combine them sequentially into a single movie.