New to droning. Wife bought me a Mavic Mini for my birthday last week, and I am in the process of returning it due to DJI's incompetence. Would seriously appreciate some help/advice from everyone on this forum.
So we bought the mini due to the 249 gram, deal, and how it doesnt require FAA stuff. But what a blatant lie that is. But this drone was purely going to be used for my fishing trips in Washington state. More specifically the straits of juan de fuca. So when I got the drone, I placed it in my back yard/beach, and tried to start it up. Low and behold, the ******* thing wont start because it says its in a no fly zone?? first thing that goes through my head..."the ****? i live in a community with less that 500 people, and the nearest town is 30 miles away, something must be wrong" well.....after hours and hours of research, looks like DJI's dumb *** has the entire straits of juan de fuca as a red no fly zone. Why even produce a 249 gram drone then? just to take my money and make me look like a chump. Then make me deal with some online chineese chat rep for 8 days to get a way to finally return the drone? FML
So here is where I get really mad. I reached out to the coast guard, FAA, and the nearest airport, all of which are an the kitthawk app, and every single one of them tell me i should be able to fly in the open ocean there. Then finally, they get me in touch with an FAA rep for my area, (who has the following credentials: FAA, ATO Western Service Area (WSA) Service Center) and he tells me"
" Looking at your address, you are in Class G uncontrolled airspace and do not need an airspace authorization to fly here. Also, the area that you are noting is covered by a Department of Defense NOTAM but the NOTAM only says this (see below). If you follow that NOTAM and stay away from USN/USCG vessels laterally and vertically as described, you can fly here. The only controlled airspace in your area is way west of you over Port Angeles. My suggestion is you contact DJI and let them know that this is not controlled airspace and you are going to follow the directions of the NOTAM and have them unlock your UAS "
So to me, I have the right to fly this drone, but DJI has randomly decided to lock down all air space in the areas i fish. DJI does this because????.....they ******* suck is the only conclusion I have come to.
So then I found NoLimitDronez but they of course dont have a patch for the mini yet and no one knows when they will..
So i start looking at building an FPV drone, but then i realize i cannot use one while I am fishing because ill have to wear
goggles, and so much for me getting some shots of me landing a nice halibut or king salmon..
So now that the mini is being returned? what are my options??
Here is what I want. something I can fly in my area (see attached images, I live on the water at miller peninsula, and plan to fish from Neah bay to my place, about 100 miles of ocean, as yuo can see its blocked off on the entire USA side. go figure Canada is totally open airspace) that has follow me feature, and is not more than $1000. It looks like the mavic platinum will work with NoLimit, but they dont make them anymore

I would be more than happy to make my own, but i dont even know where to start. and honestly, i wont be flying this higher than 100'
any help is greatly appriecated. I didnt know it would be such a nightmare to get some stupid fishing videos from a drone. how does anyone even have this hobby in this hell hole of a state with all its NFZs? sorry for my frusturation, just annoyed that this kind of crap even exist.