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Should I be afraid to fly my Mavic Air up high ?

If you have rooted, downgraded your MP and go app then there must be a setting you have not configured correctly or something you have done wrong.
Possibly wondows10 and asst2v1."older" aren't compatible?
Still the legal limit is 400 feet for Recreational. The Op was attempting to get advice to go above a few hundred feet.

DJI easily permits about 1640 ft AGL without downgrading FW and a SW hack to remove various limitations & tuning... not necessarily a “root”.

Just not tracking why, what’s the desire to be greater than 1640 ft (500 meters) with a Mavic... nor any encouragement when it’s unsafe and illegal. It’s small size isn’t able to visually track, winds could catch and take off track before you even knew it moved at high altitude, and your visual orientation on screen isn’t very reliable at high altitude.

Actually the 1640 ft may have been allowed for professional usage for inspections by PT107 that are allowed 400 ft above structure. Flying Inspires 1 & 2 and Matrice platforms, even they can become difficult to track at 3X - 20X a Mavic’s silhouette size when high altitude. I fail to understand why even 1640ft is easily provided for Recreational.

Those that like the challenge; Many keep saying, I fly in clear air... although at that altitude the craft can be carried miles off track with high winds and on a uncontrolled decent it can travel into occupied airspace. You wouldn’t take off with 60-80mph+ ground winds, but you can often encounter at altitude.

Beyond the challenge (not to loose it) and the risk - thrill, the danger it “could create” just seems frivolous. Shouldn’t even be encouraged in any manor.
I was not encouraging it. My point was you have paid for it. You can fly it any way you want. We all know the law. I hold a ppl vfr, but to say ive never broken the law and cloud surfed would be a lie, same as saying ive never broken the speed limit in my car or bike.

Dont need dji constantly holding my hand. Ive gone high with the drone, maybe 5000ft, i bottled it at that. I was aware of my surroundings and how wind at altitude works.

You are right in saying there is nothing to see at that height. It was an experiment that came with severe range anxiety.

Hacking the MP to remove all restrictions in my case was because i live 350 metres inside one of dji's nfz zones thats actually only live for 2 weeks of the year.

The OP can take his MP as high as he wishes. Knowing how to mitigate risk will be beneficial, but at the end of the day, he will be the one taking responsibility for his actions.

If you're not living life on the edge, you're taking up to much room [emoji106]
I was not encouraging it. My point was you have paid for it. You can fly it any way you want. We all know the law. I hold a ppl vfr, but to say ive never broken the law and cloud surfed would be a lie, same as saying ive never broken the speed limit in my car or bike.

Dont need dji constantly holding my hand. Ive gone high with the drone, maybe 5000ft, i bottled it at that. I was aware of my surroundings and how wind at altitude works.

You are right in saying there is nothing to see at that height. It was an experiment that came with severe range anxiety.

Hacking the MP to remove all restrictions in my case was because i live 350 metres inside one of dji's nfz zones thats actually only live for 2 weeks of the year.

The OP can take his MP as high as he wishes. Knowing how to mitigate risk will be beneficial, but at the end of the day, he will be the one taking responsibility for his actions.

If you're not living life on the edge, you're taking up to much room [emoji106]

If noticed, I didn't quote you, wasn't directly targeting your comments... I was commenting on the whole.

Regarding your NFZ predicament and being just inside an arbitrary mileage radius, and understanding the limitations placed on recreational vs obtaining PT107 for airspace. I actually somewhat disagree with the current regulation of a "radius" vs the airspace applied to PT107, most B & C air space has G under it a short distance out from airport. That's a different tangent, overriding DJI's NFZ vs altitude. An Autel or Yuneec craft wouldn't require a SW hack nor limit flight based on NFZ (currently). Although, unless you're in the DJI's Red inner Zone near the airport, it's still quick & easy to override the NFZ with a few clicks. That's a totally different tangent & discussion than altitude... and I share some viewpoints on that matter.

When it comes to altitude, no you don't have the "right" to do as you desire. When flying, tell the tower you'd like to fly at a different approach altitude that's revered for others or dabble in a reserved military exercise route or zone. If it affects others or can affect others safety, it's illegal then it's not a "right" to perform. Although that aside, my main primary focus, it's attention of the media and the politics... and that can have a negative result on all sUAV activity and those that enjoy or have business. The forums, Youtubes, and various chatter reinforce and encourage regulation & control... and will most likely drive it to a higher degree than all sUAV operators desire. This wouldn't be an issue today if it wasn't senselessly challenged for the thrill.

At 5000ft, first off impressive it had the battery for the journey, but you don't have it handled and if you're aware of aviation dynamics you clearly realize that too. A 2-3lbs piece of hardware at 5000ft isn't within your visual or full control since it lacks the ability or energy to control itself within elements encountered at that altitude. If it stops operating, even it's tumbling trajectory can go well beyond a vertical decent.

And no the Op doesn't have the "right" to take it as high as he wishes, no more than anyone else.... the FAA clearly stipulates 400 feet MAX AGL, and indicates the possible penalties. Although I will agree, currently the risk of encountering legal action & fines will be rare and most likely not occur in today's environment. Although as FAA rewrites code, and LEO's and various Fed/State agencies are given the permissions to address the violations, several will encounter a surprise not desired.

I had to chuckle on your last line... I'm in my 60's and yes I had many days of excitement, some not so desired in various lands and some self initiated exciting events. I understand the thrill of speed... loved the race track for years! But thrill of speed isn't in a sUAV, you're standing on the ground... zero speed. If you desire an RC that will provide a true thrill and challenge, fly RC Heli's not self controlled stable camera crafts. Speed on the road can be a thrill, and every wreck that has killed others, the Driver alway claims he felt he had it under control. I've lost several from speed idiots on the road... maybe some day you'll relate. Ya Like speed? Take it to the track, challenge the other thrill seeker... see if you can win the race... now that's a thrill, and you have all the rights to enjoy!
You are reading my comment with an American perspective. UK here.

My point was we all break the law.
For some the enjoyment in this hobby is to beautifully video landscapes, for others it's maxing out their gear.

Same with any hobby, hence my point about the ppl here and the things I've gotten upto doing that which aren't entirely legal.

5000ft is no big deal for the MP. I did have to alter the accent and decent rate though. Something ive done that i wont be doing again as i said. The anxiety for me at least is just too much. Videos online have achieved over 16000ft.

At 16000ft you may as well be at 5000ft as the camera really isn't designed to pick out any detail at that height.

Bottom line is yes, its illegal. You are the one that will have to live with any consequences that may arise from your actions, but with proper planning the risk can be mitigated.

As long as you keep yourself to yourself and don't do anything idiotic like hovering over an airport the chances of anything happening like the media portrays are very slim.
You are reading my comment with an American perspective. UK here.

My point was we all break the law.
For some the enjoyment in this hobby is to beautifully video landscapes, for others it's maxing out their gear.

Same with any hobby, hence my point about the ppl here and the things I've gotten upto doing that which aren't entirely legal.

5000ft is no big deal for the MP. I did have to alter the accent and decent rate though. Something ive done that i wont be doing again as i said. The anxiety for me at least is just too much. Videos online have achieved over 16000ft.

At 16000ft you may as well be at 5000ft as the camera really isn't designed to pick out any detail at that height.

Bottom line is yes, its illegal. You are the one that will have to live with any consequences that may arise from your actions, but with proper planning the risk can be mitigated.

As long as you keep yourself to yourself and don't do anything idiotic like hovering over an airport the chances of anything happening like the media portrays are very slim.
I disagree on several points, but strongly agree with you on the over hyped media and the fabrication of false stories or events... especially your side of the pond lately has had it's share of fake news. My comments weren't dedicated to USA... all points are valid in UK, USA, etc. Our rules are different but only slightly. I also don't disagree with your viewpoints on "thrills", but that's a different discussion.

Problem with idiots... they attempt to follow someone that does attempt to use their head and that gets them into a bad situation or create negative for others. You may not fly in a LZ path, but others attempting to mimic you or others may.
Yes i agree with you on the fact that there are people flying drones with an iq of pond life, but on the other hand, there are knowledgeable people flying that want to push the envelope and are looked down on by the media tarring everybody with the same brush.

Is human nature to push the boundaries of what's possible. That's why you had the shuttle program and bought Apollo and its crew back using nothing more than a slide rule and duct tape.

If we didn't, we would still be living in caves, clubbing ox over the head and wondering what's over the horizon but to scared to venture far from the cave.

There is room for all in this hobby. If you want to play by the book and enjoy just pottering around then that's perfectly fine. You paid for the drone.

If you want to modify and push the envelope and build on what dji started then thats equally fine. Again, you paid for the drone. Just keep yourself to yourself, research, stay out of view and dont publicise your shenanigans.
Yes i agree with you on the fact that there are people flying drones with an iq of pond life, but on the other hand, there are knowledgeable people flying that want to push the envelope and are looked down on by the media tarring everybody with the same brush.

Is human nature to push the boundaries of what's possible. That's why you had the shuttle program and bought Apollo and its crew back using nothing more than a slide rule and duct tape.

If we didn't, we would still be living in caves, clubbing ox over the head and wondering what's over the horizon but to scared to venture far from the cave.

There is room for all in this hobby. If you want to play by the book and enjoy just pottering around then that's perfectly fine. You paid for the drone.

If you want to modify and push the envelope and build on what dji started then thats equally fine. Again, you paid for the drone. Just keep yourself to yourself, research, stay out of view and dont publicise your shenanigans.

Apollo, You're reaching... I'll give ya that. Good One!
Again, I'm not disagreeing with ya on that some have it and others don't mentality... but it's end result still equates to a negative if outside the sandbox. It's not the carefree playful flights with a $2K small sUAV, it's much more invested several times for a business and not wanting to see idiots creating a grave negative impact for the full scope of sUAV... we all have to live by the rules, we can disagree but in the end society normally prevails... and all through history, those that enjoy activities not normally accepted by others may design & create useful articles for others, but they still don't normally win outside the establishment of politics & law.

I'll also highly agree... IF you're going to do something of risk or stupidity... don't advertise it. Enjoy your privacy and hope it stays that way. I still apply that in many life's tangents... what are they? Hmmm What's what?

Apollo missions didn't exercise anything outside their scope of very dictated lines of limits, physics and navigation. The crews involved actually are an excellent example of the "extreme" for following rules & guidelines... and years learning... many came from the Test Pilot side of life, they didn't attempt any extreme exercise until several previous tests indicated more knowledge on unknown limits... even then many failures with few successes in any early design.

They would have never made it off the pad if they took the wild side viewpoint; "let's hit the hammer and see what she'll do"... a lift off requires extreme timing in throttle control and through scientific dynamics. The navigation was calculated hundreds of times prior to flight. The Apollo failure event you site wasn't directly exercised or imagined; but the solution was based on many known facts and hours of programs & testing in amazing hast around the clock. It was the creativity of assembling these facts with improvised instruments to obtain the desired model... that was previously verified again based on scientific engineering & mathematics. It was an improvised apparatus, but it was a designed model by dozens of crew on the ground. Even the Shuttle's normal control system operated on very crude elementary computers.
Well thats exactly my point right there. People will always push to innovate and make better.

Making co2 scrubbers out of a flight manual and other bits definitely was not in the training.

If somebody makes a thread asking how to disable stuff, we all shouldn't just assume he/she drags his knuckles along the floor and grunts like most of the comments are on this forum.

If you are doing this as a business, i doubt any new knee jerk laws arising from illegal behaviour would affect you anyway as you are certified and fully insured?

No matter what new law comes out, there will always be somebody willing to ignore it and somebody clever enough to figure out a way of bypassing it.

As i said, there is room for all of us. We all enjoy and share an interest in various forms of this hobby.

We should all get along and cuddle each other more.
Well thats exactly my point right there. People will always push to innovate and make better.

Making co2 scrubbers out of a flight manual and other bits definitely was not in the training.

If somebody makes a thread asking how to disable stuff, we all shouldn't just assume he/she drags his knuckles along the floor and grunts like most of the comments are on this forum.

If you are doing this as a business, i doubt any new knee jerk laws arising from illegal behaviour would affect you anyway as you are certified and fully insured?

No matter what new law comes out, there will always be somebody willing to ignore it and somebody clever enough to figure out a way of bypassing it.

As i said, there is room for all of us. We all enjoy and share an interest in various forms of this hobby.

We should all get along and cuddle each other more.
Actually most new laws or regs have impacted the PT107... and new suggested regs impact more... the media that effects idiot politicians don't separate this arena except for huge corporations and everyone else... they actually desire to greatly limit or rid small businesses and recreational.

Cuddle... Ok Baby!
Build up your confidence and you'll be fine. In fact there's not much difference between 50ft and 400ft - only the drone seems smaller. Wind can be a problem but actually there were some cases when I had problems with wind gusts when I was like 30ft above ground and in higher altitude everything went much better. In my country it's legal to go up to 300 meters (around 985ft) but I rarely do since there's usually nothing so interesting in such heights and I get pretty hazy pictures when there's not a perfect visibility. Only real reason to go so high is filming very tall objects - like this 980ft tall chimney for example.PSX_20190717_073751.jpeg
Build up your confidence and you'll be fine. In fact there's not much difference between 50ft and 400ft - only the drone seems smaller. Wind can be a problem but actually there were some cases when I had problems with wind gusts when I was like 30ft above ground and in higher altitude everything went much better. In my country it's legal to go up to 300 meters (around 985ft) but I rarely do since there's usually nothing so interesting in such heights and I get pretty hazy pictures when there's not a perfect visibility. Only real reason to go so high is filming very tall objects - like this 980ft tall chimney for example.

Nice Shot! Which Mavic are you using?
Do they have any limitations for type of structure, the being a nuclear power plant?
Interesting on Czech Republic, for altitude very mixed in sources, some indicate 300m, many others 100m.
The AGL of 300m seems to be the accurate listing, just odd how unclear various sources indicate differences.

Indicated 300 meters

Indicates 100 meters
I too have had my MA for about a week. A field I have been to fly a few times, I have flocks of small birds that circle and try to attack the drone. Anyone ever experience that? Its happened twice so far
I too have had my MA for about a week. A field I have been to fly a few times, I have flocks of small birds that circle and try to attack the drone. Anyone ever experience that? Its happened twice so far
Normally they're attempting to drive you away like they do other unwanted birds. They tend to avoid the drone's props but be aware there are times they'll strike a prop and drop the drone. It's rare but will occur, and watching the birds will often tell you if there is a concern... if some dive aggressively they may not anticipate your movement and cause a strike with wing. The larger predator birds (eagle, hawk, etc) will often strike with claws extended... actually attacking and those you should give air space and retreat their airspace.

Smaller sparrows, barn swallows, etc tend to just buzz around you.
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You will learn to trust the equipment as you practice more. Birds have never been an issue for me at any height. Just make sure flying conditions are safe. Good luck and have fun!
Not sure if it's the shape profile or what, but I've witnessed several Phantoms struck from above with a typical hunting dive with claw's extended by Eagles & Hawks and 1 Mavic along their river edge colonies in early Spring.

Several chair Photgraphers on other side of river chat and discuss getting great shots of Eagles attacking Phantoms... knocking them into river. Althogh in Spring the Eagles are a little more defensive of nests.

I'ver personally had barn swallows contact my Matrice 600Pro and Inspre 2... seen the feathers fly, without knocking drone... close enough to contact, not enough to effect prop.

Also read in other forum posts for those near beaches, the Gulls will often attack too, but haven't seen these.

The little ones that swarm around just normally buzz ya attempting to encourage you to depart... but are normally harmless.

If you're in a heavy group of birds, common sense, watch their aggressiveness and judge for yourself. But 98% of the time, birds won't bother drones.
Nice Shot! Which Mavic are you using?
Do they have any limitations for type of structure, the being a nuclear power plant?
Interesting on Czech Republic, for altitude very mixed in sources, some indicate 300m, many others 100m.
The AGL of 300m seems to be the accurate listing, just odd how unclear various sources indicate differences.

Indicated 300 meters

Indicates 100 meters

Thanks a lot, I'm using a Mavic Air.

Currently the maximum allowed altitude here in CZE is 300 meters AGL in G-class airspace and 100 meters in 5.5 kilometers radius around any Airport. Upcoming EU laws limitations will be same like the US - 120 meters (400 ft) AGL.

About the restrictions - there are some subjects that are permanently restricted, like nuclear power plants, military objects or other areas protected by the state like Prague Castle (residence of the president). This object wasn't either of them - it's a coal-fueled power plant without any restriction zone applied to it. It's kinda on the edge of being legal but as a one-time run, I couldn't resist.
If one is in a Military Operating Area, the Chart Supplement should have operating hours that the ground to 400 feet space will be used by the military. (SkyVector: Flight Planning / Aeronautical Charts). Also one can check for DROTAMs. I think this might cover temporary flight restriction occurances (Presidential motorcade drive-by), which would be very bad if over water and DJI shuts down the drone.


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