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Should I upgrade Mavic Pro?


Well-Known Member
Oct 3, 2018
First, I want to say Hello....I'm new to the forum, but not brand new to drones, although, I consider myself pretty green, (rookie), especially when it comes to the Mavic Pro. I just bought one used for a very good deal. The original owner bought it about a year or so ago, and it apparently, hasn't been updated. After setting it up, it says:Update needed. From all the scary update reviews I've read about the last two updates for the Mavic Air, I'm hesitant, to say the least, to update without some kind of confidence on it. I'm especially concerned when you can't go back to the earlier updates, in case this "new one" gives us problems. The other issue I'm having is, if I don't update, how can I get rid of the Update needed message on the DJI Go 4 ap? I'm also getting a no fly zone error, so I know I'll have to move to a legit fly zone in order to test the drone out. I'm not sure if the "update needed" message is for the Go 4 app or the AC. Probably both, but I guess the bottom line, or at least most important part of this "lengthy" post is: Can I trust updating the drone to the "latest greatest" firmware, or should I try and stick with what's in it.? At this point, I'm not sure how to read or find out what version is in my AC. Thanks, for any help on this, and I'm sorry if this is a redundant question. I searched the forum, but couldn't seem to find the answers I needed. Marc Trainor.
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First, I want to say Hello....I'm new to the forum, but not brand new to drones, although, I consider myself pretty green, (rookie), especially when it comes to the Mavic Pro. I just bought one used for a very good deal. The original owner bought it about a year or so ago, and it apparently, hasn't been updated. After setting it up, it says:Update needed. From all the scary update reviews I've read about the last two updates for the Mavic Air, I'm hesitant, to say the least, to update without some kind of confidence on it. I'm especially concerned when you can't go back to the earlier updates, in case this "new one" gives us problems. The other issue I'm having is, if I don't update, how can I get rid of the Update needed message on the DJI Go 4 ap? I'm also getting a no fly zone error, so I know I'll have to move to a legit fly zone in order to test the drone out. I'm not sure if the "update needed" message is for the Go 4 app or the AC. Probably both, but I guess the bottom line, or at least most important part of this "lengthy" post is: Can I trust updating the drone to the "latest greatest" firmware, or should I try and stick with what's in it.? At this point, I'm not sure how to read or find out what version is in my AC. Thanks, for any help on this, and I'm sorry if this is a redundant question. I searched the forum, but couldn't seem to find the answers I needed. Marc Trainor.
Howdy from Wyoming @Mavhawk , welcome to the community, plenty of fine folk and excellent information here.
Marc some run old firmware and some don't . I run the latest of everything but thats just me .
As far as that message you will just have to overlook it if you do not want to update .
Welcome to our forum .Hope you find all the resources you seek and look forward
to any photos or videos you might post .
Any issues just ask.
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Welcome to Feel free to join in the discussions and ask anything about Mavics that comes to mind. We are here to help and learn.

Best regards,

Marc some run old firmware and some don't . I run the latest of everything but thats just me .
As far as that message you will just have to overlook it if you do not want to update .
Welcome to our forum .Hope you find all the resources you seek and look forward
to any photos or videos you might post .
Any issues just ask.
Thanks for the welcome. So you seem to be running the latest updates. Is that working out for you good? It sounds like things are ok with the updates on your end of things. I'm not just worried about "problem updates". I'd like to have any improvements that the updates might have, as long as there aren't any big problems going along with them. Thanks for the response. Marc.
I have always stayed updated with the app and the firmware and guess I have been lucky as I have never had any issues as you see members have. I like having everything in sync as far as app and firmware as I think they are made to do so .Have with my P3's and now the Mp & M2P .
Now I live in the country compared to many and don't have but several NFZ's anywhere around me and no noise . What suits me might not suit you and and only way to find out is to try . If you are satisfied
with how it fly's on a lower firmware by all means stay there .If you do update and don't like it and want back You - Tube is your friend .
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Welcome to Mavic Pilots from Dayton Ohio! I always run the latest firmware, I usually wait a few days after the release to update in case there are any issues. Fly safe and have fun!
It is a pleasure to welcome you to the Mavic Pilots forum.
I hope that you will be able to use the forum to further your safety knowledge and for the exchange of innovative ideas and as a resource for current developments in Mavic quadcopter’s.
Enjoy the forum! Thumbswayup
Welcome :
I have 2 mavic Pro’s on the latest firmware and they work fine . My little spark is on the latest and it is giving trouble .
Thanks, everyone for all the friendly responses about whether to upgrade or not. I finally bit the bullet and upgraded to the update that ends in .0400. I read enough good stuff about it and saw their videos, so I pulled the trigger. Now if I can just learn to work with or around this no fly zone thing that shuts my drone down, I think I'll be ok. I have mixed feelings about it, but it just is what it is, at least for now, and I guess I should be thankful we still have some places left to fly. Thanks again. Marc
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