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Signal loss


Active Member
Jul 17, 2020
Jamestown, NY
I had some issues with my Air 2 last month. Sent it in to DJI and they sent me a replacement. After set up I got the drone up in the air and was able to fly out about 1500 feet before losing signal. With each flight since I lose signal at shorter and shorter distances. Yesterday, I lost signal at about 40 feet. I've flew my old drone same location dozens of times with no signal loss whatsoever.
Any thoughts on fixing this issue?

Thank you
You should try the new drone is a different location. 1500 feet doesn't sound right.
I've now tried flying the drone in 3 different locations with no good result. The drone loses video signal then communication with RC immediately after. At one point this afternoon it lost video signal while it was hovering in front of me.
I tried changing transmission settings to no avail. Any and other suggestions are welcome.

I've now tried flying the drone in 3 different locations with no good result. The drone loses video signal then communication with RC immediately after. At one point this afternoon it lost video signal while it was hovering in front of me.
I tried changing transmission settings to no avail. Any and other suggestions are welcome.

I've never owned an Air 2, so don't know specifically about that model, but the behaviour you describe sounds like what might happen when antenna / aerials have become detached from their headers on the board. Don't know if this would be in the craft or the remote but here are the popper style connectors we get in the drone... could yours have popped off ?


Don't know if you consider this something worth checking yourself or if it would be better just to get a video of it having no signal right in front of you for evidence, and try and send it back to DJI again - it is obviously not working as it should.
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