Hi ORDroneWelcome to Mavic Pilots.
New flyer advice,
Wide open space.
Slow & easy
Power-lines & trees are evil.
Don't expect RTH (Return To Home) to save you especially if you are under trees.
Don't forget to read the manual
Download Mavic 2 manual HERE
Most of all have FUN
Welcome to the forum from the deserts of Arizona! Enjoy.
Good advice above... be sure to dL and read the full 60 page online only DJI manual for your new drone. Get it here:
Welcome to Mavic Pilots .
I hope you will find our site helpful and look forward to any input , photo's/video's you might post .
Don't be shy and ask anything if you can't find it by searching .
Thanks to all for the friendly welcome, I will certainly heed your advice and take advantage of all the links you provided. I'm really looking forward to this new hobby and appreciate being forewarned as to any pitfalls.
I actually bought 3 of the Mavic Air 2 Drones, one for me and 2 as Christmas gifts to my sons.
Welcome to our Forum, from Hauptmann in Texas USA!
You'll find that flying your Mavic 2 Pro or any DJI quad is so easy. They practically fly themselves. This can lead to overconfidence.
Read the manual, and be conservative at first. Practice using “Find My Drone”. Chances are you will crash and perhaps lose your bird. Don't wait until that happens to learn how to recover a lost drone. Lots of good stuff to shoot throughout Oregon. Whenever you need help, there are over 120,000 of us from around the world to assist you as you gain experience and grow as a pilot and photographer.