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2 Zoom Spanish, The North Channel

Couple of photos from today's venture to Spanish on the North Channel.
Hi Barbara,
me too! My favourite is the second photo Thumbswayup That would be an interesting building to fly around in and outside:) Unfortunately we do not have such rotten big buildings in my region:(
cheer Paul
Thanks. The photo of the ruins was pure happenstance, right place at the right time. I would have explored more, but there is a bit of bad history to the building. Also, the current owners of the land it is on actively discourage the curious.

As to the building's history, it was one of many residential schools, government-sponsored religious schools that were established to assimilate Indigenous children into Euro-Canadian culture. Or in other words, designed to commit Cultural Genocide. Indigenous children were forcibly removed from their families and shipped to these schools, sometimes hundreds of miles from their homes. An estimated 6000 children died at these residential schools. The Canadian government officially apologized to First Nations People in 2008. It's history, we as Canadians, are less than proud of.
Thanks for the additional infos about the kind of house of horror, what a sad story! Some humans are really cruel and heartless. It´s a shame, but not only in Canada, that has happened in many countries and of course also in Germany! Shame on this people:mad:
cheers Paul
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