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Speed for max flight distance?

The manual of the Air 3 says that the max flight distance is 32 km. At what speed do you get this range?
You won't get that distance because DJI does that under laboratory conditions.
But to get the max distance you should fly at or slightly below the max speed in N Mode.
You would also need to avoid headwinds, climbing, changing speed etc.
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Yes, I know that it is a distance under optimal lab conditions. And you would drain the battery from 100% to 0%.
The max speed in N mode is 43,2 km/h according to the manual.
The manual of the Air 3 says that the max flight distance is 32 km. At what speed do you get this range?
Max flight distance can only be achieved by maximizing Air 3 flight time to 46 minutes, which requires:

Flying at a constant speed of 28.8 kph in a windless environment at sea level, with APAS off, AirSense off, camera parameters set to 1080p/24fps, video mode off, and from 100% battery level until 0%.​

"Data is for reference only."

Max flight distance can only be achieved by maximizing Air 3 flight time to 46 minutes
That's to achieve max flight time, but that's quite different from max distance.
To fly for 46 minutes at a constant speed of 28.8 kph, the drone would only cover 22 kilometres.

DJI used to spell it out better in the specs for earlier models.
You can see the max distance vs max time speeds and how they differ in the specs for the Mavic 3 pro here:
I just did some calculations: if someone would fly at a speed of 43.2 km/h he would need 44.44 minutes to travel for 32 km. I doubt that this speed of 43.2 km/h is the speed for the max distance. The speed needs to be higher and the flight time should be shorter. My guess is that the speed should be around 50 km/h.
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