I nearly always use RTH to get my Mavic to come back. I just love how it does it so accurately, and up until the other day, it has always been perfect. It was just after dawn, and I was between the Mavic and the sun as it headed home. When it was close to overhead instead of descending from the 35metres it was at, it went up, until it reached the max altitude I had set on it. Was the sun a possible issue here? I have had it in normal flight when the object avoidance kicks in when the drone is facing the sun, but this time, in RTH, there was no warning, or maybe I didn't notice it as the low battery signal was also going off. It was all a bit scary, as the battery was really low by then, and there was a 45m limit on altitude as there was a helipad not far away. I got it back by turning off RTH and bringing it down manually.