Yeah, but... Too bad we don't have higher freq data. It looks to my uncalibrated eyes like there is an increase in the difference between the IMU(0):gyroZ and IMU(1):gyroZ. Kinda starts at 587 secs. The incorrect IMU(1):Yaw starts at 590 secs. Also, the integrated IMU(1):gyroZ is similar to IMU(1):Yaw indicating that it's not just noise. As you pointed out there is an 8:1 scale difference though - are you using the DatCon integrated values or do you have Igor do the integration?Those are rate gyro degrees per second rather than degrees, and I think you are looking at noise and digitization effects. If you back out a little it looks better:
View attachment 67680
And if you integrate the rate gyro data to get degrees:
View attachment 67681
There are some differences, but they don't seem large enough to account for the 90° yaw error. Looking at the Z-axis gyro data specifically, the difference is only 11° when the yaw error is 88°.
View attachment 67683
IMU1 is active because the OSD_yaw value follows the IMU1 yaw, not IMU0 yaw:
View attachment 67684

If any of this has merit then a HW issue with IMU(1):gyroZ seems possible.