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Stupid question


Well-Known Member
Oct 22, 2017
Guys I was just wondering about this. If I take my mavic 1 RC to my friends house 1/2 mile away. Can I start my drone from.that location and fly it to me? I am just curious forgive the dumb question
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Technically maybe. It would depend on what is between you and the drone 2620 feet away. Also, you are required to have line of sight view of your drone at all times to legally it would be a no. Unless your friend acts as a spotter and you have 2 way communication
Technically maybe. It would depend on what is between you and the drone 2620 feet away. Also, you are required to have line of sight view of your drone at all times to legally it would be a no. Unless your friend acts as a spotter and you have 2 way communication
The OP isn't from the USA so their rules/regulations may be different than ours here in the USA :)
2640. Lol. Also, depending on what’s in the way, and eyesight, could potentially be seen for VLOS. As stated, different countries could have different regs.
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Guys I was just wondering about this. If I take my mavic 1 RC to my friends house 1/2 mile away. Can I start my drone from.that location and fly it to me? I am just curious forgive the dumb question
edited my reply.
Technically yes you could as long as you have LOS between your TX and RC .
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Guys I was just wondering about this. If I take my mavic 1 RC to my friends house 1/2 mile away. Can I start my drone from.that location and fly it to me? I am just curious forgive the dumb question
This is not necessarily the same, but if terrain and conditions allow continuous VLOS as required, you can take off from one location, fly to your destination, point the camera down to find and verify a clear landing point, set that point to your home point, and then initiate a RTH. Should signal be lost on the way down, it simply continues to land. Not sure what one would accomplish doing this, but technically it might work.
Seems everyone is busy CYAing about VLOS as will I. However, hypothetically & theoretically yes, very possible. You should be sure the compass is calibrated whilst it's idling, drive to the secondary location, adjust your home point to the RC, confirm connection by video signal then in theory you shouldn't have an issue flying it manually or RTH.
Of course in most instances you're legally obligated to fly only within a Visual Line Of Sight so if you're in one of those jurisdictions then you would bear responsibility for any violation of said rules.
As improbable as it is, I'd suggest that if there is any risk at all of a dog or person, or young kid, or anyone else who might walk up to it just as it takes off, it would not be a good idea.... unless you have someone on that property acting as LOS.
He just asked if it was possible and yes it is. Let’s not let
this get into a debate over flying BVLOS. .
Also as was said before in another post unless I misread it VLOS and LOS aren’t the same. All he would have to have is LOS to do it.
Now when he started it up that would set his HP to his friends house so if something was to happen it would go back there. I have experimented doing this but by just flying out, landing which as soon as it sets down the motors stop.
When started back up it set the HP then to that spot.
No it is not a good idea but you can do it.
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As improbable as it is, I'd suggest that if there is any risk at all of a dog or person, or young kid, or anyone else who might walk up to it just as it takes off, it would not be a good idea.... unless you have someone on that property acting as LOS.
Totally agree but just to clarify. LOS is controller to drone.
VLOS is seeing the drone.
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The OP didn't say he was going to stop in his house during the transit? He could walk to near his friend's house and fly it with VLOS or apply follow me (can't remember whether M2 has it. Air and Anafi do and a number of cheapos's) and walk on ahead. OK just messing!

I am a novice but doesn't the M2 Pro have the ability to be controlled from a SC and another controller. Might that be a possible dual approach. i doubt it. I would wonder why anyone would want to do what the OP suggests but it takes all sorts and as said is technically possible if fraught with any number of unpredictable eventualities that attempting it would be fairly insane.
I'm always amazed at all the experts and nasayers that respond to a simple question that has a simple answer, with a ton of stuff that has no relevance to the question.
It happens on just about every question asked here on the forum .
Guys thank you very much. So much information here. Appreciated all the advice.
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I saw a youtube video on this a year or so ago and Yes it can be done and has been done
Technically maybe. It would depend on what is between you and the drone 2620 feet away. Also, you are required to have line of sight view of your drone at all times to legally it would be a no. Unless your friend acts as a spotter and you have 2 way communication
I believe in the U.S under hobbyist rules the visual observer can no longer be under radio contact. The visual observer must be co-located and I’m direct communication with the pilot.
The question is technically intriguing in that the technique could extend the range of a single flight where drone launches at point A, pilot at point B and distant objective is point C
You wouldn't have to use up battery flying from point B to A, start video and fly continuous to point C with inadequate battery remaining to return to point B.
However if a pack of poodles were to encounter the waiting AC at point A while a bus load of kindergardeners disembarked on a field trip between point A and C and either a laden African swallow or an unladen European swallow were to nest anywhere on the line of flight then there is probably a valid reason why someone would say you can't do this. Eliminating all the hypothetical reasons why it can't be done, I can think of several situations where I could make good use of this technique. With LOS and VLOS of course. And probably adult supervision.
Never a stupid question. There are plenty people who have the same question or even more bizarre questions. Keep posting questions. We all learn.
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Guys I was just wondering about this. If I take my mavic 1 RC to my friends house 1/2 mile away. Can I start my drone from.that location and fly it to me? I am just curious forgive the dumb question

Assuming you have control of the drone and are getting video feed, absolutely.

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