This site gives you details for the last 6 hours or the last 24 hours:Hello Meta4,
Thank you for sharing the GPSJAM.ORG website info, it is really very informative with full coverage of the world. However it only reports for the dates yesterday or earlier, but not for today, tomorrow and forward. Right?

Flightradar24’s new GPS jamming map | Flightradar24 Blog
Learn how to view areas of GPS jamming affecting aircraft around the world and how GPS jamming affects aviation.

No drone flying incidents have ever been able to be attributed to flying in a high Kp index.I have been advised by a drone pilot that, the Kp Index value reported in the popular weather applications will be (might be) a valuable indicator to decide starting a flight or not, to avoid facing GPS interference. A value of 5 or more would be a no-fly decision. Is this true?
You can safely ignore the Kp index.