I noticed that two out of three batteries were getting hard to insert and withdraw from the drone.
The swelling occurred in the middle of both batteries.
Pictured battery on left with NO swelling as opposed to the bulging battery on the right.
I drew a yellow line straight up the side of the battery to show the swelling for reference.
Both pics are the same except for the vertical yellow line to show swelling.
The other swollen battery was not pictured as both swollen areas are the same.
I rotate my batteries so all batteries have equal flights numbers.
Batteries were approx. 4 years old with 67 flights,
Time for new batteries a must.

The swelling occurred in the middle of both batteries.
Pictured battery on left with NO swelling as opposed to the bulging battery on the right.
I drew a yellow line straight up the side of the battery to show the swelling for reference.
Both pics are the same except for the vertical yellow line to show swelling.
The other swollen battery was not pictured as both swollen areas are the same.
I rotate my batteries so all batteries have equal flights numbers.
Batteries were approx. 4 years old with 67 flights,
Time for new batteries a must.

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