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Take off from distance.


Well-Known Member
Jan 17, 2020
Can someone tell me if I were to land my m2p say 2 miles or so from a take off point with hill's and trees between the two, would I be able to take off again and bring it back manually if not by RTH? Hypothetically speaking of course. Thanks for any answers.
RTH, no -- not after landing.

Taking off again, not likely with hills trees and a stock Mavic.

In fact, you probably would not successfully land. During landing, you would probably lose remote signal and it would stop and hover, then after some number of seconds it would perform signal-loss action (which you could have configured as land, hover (until battery dies), or auto-RTH).
If you could retrace where it remotely landed- by geo coords in log file, you could get close, maybe go pick it up. If it landed b/c of low power, subsequent take off assumes it would have (enough) power on
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If you could retrace where it remotely landed- by geo coords in log file, you could get close, maybe go pick it up. If it landed b/c of low power, subsequent take off assumes it would have (enough) power on
As I said in the OP it was hypothetical, I was simply curious to know that if I landed my quad approx 2 miles from the take off point, and killed the motor's but kept the RC & Quad connection intact would I be able to 'motor up' again and take off? Now considering what lies between me (the taking off point) and the quad whether it were trees & earth or skyscrapers and other multi storey buildings, people brighter than me will have to work on that. Finally RustyBonz when you mention Geo-cord's & Log files, do they get stored automatically in the Go4 app?
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If there is anything in the way that is large you most likely won't get a signal, and it will lose it as you try to land meaning ti will RTH.

Smalls hills may be ok, but you would need to be in FCC mode for sure. Maybe try it out in a place you know well and you can go get the drone if there are any issues?

As I said in the OP it was hypothetical, I was simply curious to know that if I landed my quad approx 2 miles from the take off point, and killed the motor's but kept the RC & Quad connection intact would I be able to 'motor up' again and take off? Now considering what lies between me (the taking off point) and the quad whether it were trees & earth or skyscrapers and other multi storey buildings, people brighter than me will have to work on that. Finally RustyBonz when you mention Geo-cord's & Log files, do they get stored automatically in the Go4 app?
As I said in the OP it was hypothetical, I was simply curious to know that if I landed my quad approx 2 miles from the take off point, and killed the motor's but kept the RC & Quad connection intact would I be able to 'motor up' again and take off? Now considering what lies between me (the taking off point) and the quad whether it were trees & earth or skyscrapers and other multi storey buildings, people brighter than me will have to work on that. Finally RustyBonz when you mention Geo-cord's & Log files, do they get stored automatically in the Go4 app?

the availability of .dat files and cached info was impressive to me when I learned of it. May I suggest searching the forum for geo coordinates and log files (.dat) others more technically proficient have very good explanations. One good use is to find a lost, or unable to take back off drone in the wild.

Are you planning to land across town at a friends house?
Well, I had an experience similar to your 'hypothetical' yawyaw33, was virtually outback Australia, decided on a quick takeoff to get a vid I wanted of Mt Finke, during flight 'lost contact with aircraft', somehow regained contact, was panicking as it was way out of eyesight and earshot, pushed RTH and it was beginning to land somewhere not even near me according to the camera, but looked like an open patch of ground. Then got 'low battery warning', wow, so attempted a takeoff, did that it seemed, then did a 360 to see if I could get some bearings, then pushed RTH again, down it went. I hadn't turned off the video, and could see distorted image of rocks and sticks on an angle. Now where I thought, unfortunately still learning I wasn't transmitting video to the smart controller, BUT I could read it was 390m away. So decided to take a walk around and saw the distance decrease slightly in one place of a 10m circle through the scrub. Kept up a fan style waking pattern through the scrub, watching the distance decrease or increase if in a wrong direction. After about 2 Km of stumbling through the terrain, came across a similar clearing to where I began the flight, and distance indicated around 30m. Was getting 'warm' I thought, and there was still some image from still working camera, so battery wasn't completely 'dead'. Took a chance and tried a takeoff, message 'not enough battery power', but could just hear the beep in the outback silence, then suddenly saw the red & green strobe lights around 20m among some rocks and dead trees. I was very thankful that I had found my relatively 'new' M2P, after understanding some of its inbuilt technology. As I say am still learning, a lot, had a shorn off propellor blade, that is all and a part folded front right arm, from the 'landing' I presume.

So, a lot to learn, if the video was saving to the controller, would have had a better 'picture' of where it may have been, better than the fan search and chance distance reading. It obviously thought the attempted landing was 'home'. Looked very similar, as can be in such terrain, but I didn't recalibrate the compass, didn't give it time after takeoff to get an 'home' image, and panicked when losing wireless signal. And sending images back during flight. So a lot to learn. Have had navigational experience from actually piloting light aircraft 40yrs ago, but this is new new.

Will accept all comments from the experienced ones here, thankfully wasn't over water, or a dangerous site. Am anxious to try landing the beast 1km or so away, then returning home, but a bit dubious now. We are very isolated here, out of range to visit a neighbour, but have used so far for convenience inspecting water points and gateways for intrusion tracks, operating machinery close up, and finding wandering livestock, all within the 6-7km range so far.
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Well, I had an experience similar to your 'hypothetical' yawyaw33, was virtually outback Australia, decided on a quick takeoff to get a vid I wanted of Mt Finke, during flight 'lost contact with aircraft', somehow regained contact, was panicking as it was way out of eyesight and earshot, pushed RTH and it was beginning to land somewhere not even near me according to the camera, but looked like an open patch of ground. Then got 'low battery warning', wow, so attempted a takeoff, did that it seemed, then did a 360 to see if I could get some bearings, then pushed RTH again, down it went. I hadn't turned off the video, and could see distorted image of rocks and sticks on an angle. Now where I thought, unfortunately still learning I wasn't transmitting video to the smart controller, BUT I could read it was 390m away. So decided to take a walk around and saw the distance decrease slightly in one place of a 10m circle through the scrub. Kept up a fan style waking pattern through the scrub, watching the distance decrease or increase if in a wrong direction. After about 2 Km of stumbling through the terrain, came across a similar clearing to where I began the flight, and distance indicated around 30m. Was getting 'warm' I thought, and there was still some image from still working camera, so battery wasn't completely 'dead'. Took a chance and tried a takeoff, message 'not enough battery power', but could just hear the beep in the outback silence, then suddenly saw the red & green strobe lights around 20m among some rocks and dead trees. I was very thankful that I had found my relatively 'new' M2P, after understanding some of its inbuilt technology. As I say am still learning, a lot, had a shorn off propellor blade, that is all and a part folded front right arm, from the 'landing' I presume.

So, a lot to learn, if the video was saving to the controller, would have had a better 'picture' of where it may have been, better than the fan search and chance distance reading. It obviously thought the attempted landing was 'home'. Looked very similar, as can be in such terrain, but I didn't recalibrate the compass, didn't give it time after takeoff to get an 'home' image, and panicked when losing wireless signal. And sending images back during flight. So a lot to learn. Have had navigational experience from actually piloting light aircraft 40yrs ago, but this is new new.

Will accept all comments from the experienced ones here, thankfully wasn't over water, or a dangerous site. Am anxious to try landing the beast 1km or so away, then returning home, but a bit dubious now. We are very isolated here, out of range to visit a neighbour, but have used so far for convenience inspecting water points and gateways for intrusion tracks, operating machinery close up, and finding wandering livestock, all within the 6-7km range so far.
That was some experience you had, the thing is I recieved my m2p in March this year days before the lockdown consequently I have only flown indoors (with trepidation). So all the questions I post are to get as much info as possible, youtube vid's don't always tell you what you want to know. Anyway thanks for the reply I live in the UK, so the lockdown isolation is nothing like living in the middle of a continent! though I envy the quad flying possibilities living in Oz must bring......good luck.
Can someone tell me if I were to land my m2p say 2 miles or so from a take off point with hill's and trees between the two, would I be able to take off again and bring it back manually if not by RTH? Hypothetically speaking of course. Thanks for any answers.

Oof! I practice remote landings on a regular basis, because you just never know. When I do, I typically land, shut down (not power off), and take off several times.

I've never tested the RTH function when I do this, but since I'm never giving the craft a reason NOT to plot a new RTH point, I don't see why it wouldn't work (assuming everything else is ok). That being said, landing two miles away is a LOT to ask. My guess is that if you were INTENTIONALLY trying to land and lost signal, it would automatically enter into the lost signal RTH protocol, and best of luck to you.

Two miles is a VERY long way, and there is a lot that can go wrong (wind, battery, and the trees/hills you mentioned). If you do that I would make very sure that you enter an RTH altitude that will clear all possible obstacles.
Oof! I practice remote landings on a regular basis, because you just never know. When I do, I typically land, shut down (not power off), and take off several times.

I've never tested the RTH function when I do this, but since I'm never giving the craft a reason NOT to plot a new RTH point, I don't see why it wouldn't work (assuming everything else is ok). That being said, landing two miles away is a LOT to ask. My guess is that if you were INTENTIONALLY trying to land and lost signal, it would automatically enter into the lost signal RTH protocol, and best of luck to you.

Two miles is a VERY long way, and there is a lot that can go wrong (wind, battery, and the trees/hills you mentioned). If you do that I would make very sure that you enter an RTH altitude that will clear all possible obstacles.
I defer to you as I yet to have any outdoor flying experience due to the lockdown, also I have come to realise that there are many questions that get posed which can only be answered by getting out & flying.
I’m glad you found your little buddy. Persistence pays off. What I’m trying to learn is why 2.4/5.0 ghz WiFi only goes hundreds of feet relative to computer networks, routers and such- yet the data link from controller to drone (and back) is measured in thousands of meters. Power, direction, sensitivity, occusync.? Basic line of sight and physical curvature of earth/height of antennas/ density of obstruction limit frequencies pushed by power. Yeah yeah. Break it down in plain language somebody please ...
A few things to bear in mind.
Assuming you were in control the whole time, the home point will probably be reset to the new take off point BUT providing your phone/viewscreen or the smart controller has a good GPS lock you can, via the app, reset the homepoint to the controller's position i.e. with that done you could RTH. Practise this before hand at close range in a safe place before you try it for real.

Make sure you set an appropriate response to loss of signal "just in case".

The main point however is, the drone will not either start-motors or take-off (can't remember which) if the battery is below a certain percentage. I encountered this once when doing landing and take offs in my garden and the threshold might have been 20% ( certainly above the 10% "critical battery" warning level ) though you'd need to check the actual percentage for yourself. It will fly and remain flying below this threshold but it will not take off.

The above said, at 2 miles you are almost certainly beyond sight which would be contrary to the CAA rules. I am not acting as air police so let's not get into a debate about it, rather I am just passing on info on the off-chance you are unaware of it
Gunnamatta, kudos for the search technique.
When you went hunting for your drone were you using a "find my drone" feature or do you happen to know if the SC behaves differently to a phone?
I am just wondering how you got the distance count down, as I believe the distance shown on phone in the normal display is the distance from the homepoint (does anyone know if I am mistaken in this belief?).
That said I am now wondering what would happen in such circumstances if, with a phone, one kept resetting the home point to the controller's position ? It's probably an academic question if the find my drone feature is working but...............
Can someone tell me if I were to land my m2p say 2 miles or so from a take off point with hill's and trees between the two, would I be able to take off again and bring it back manually if not by RTH? Hypothetically speaking of course. Thanks for any answers.
It might work if you were on top of a hypothetical cliff... then flew down to a line of sight position (in the hypothetical valley :) )... landed and then took off again coming back up to your original cliff position. Know any place like that ? :)
Can someone tell me if I were to land my m2p say 2 miles or so from a take off point with hill's and trees between the two, would I be able to take off again and bring it back manually if not by RTH? Hypothetically speaking of course. Thanks for any answers.

We also do a lot of Remote Landings and the two miles is not really the issue as is the line of sight.
That is critical and making sure as someone else mentioned above not shutting down the Power on the Drone.

We have noticed that when landing on the water or remote landing , the Home Point does not reset itself. It simply lands the motors turn off and we restart them up , we can do this several times over and over again with the same results.

I think remote landings will become more popular as more people become aware of the feature and how they can use it to conserve battery and record with better timing.
Gear to fly your Mavic in the rain and remote land on water.
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