The video speed is 150% of actual speed.
Yes, I have a Spark and a Mavic Pro. Last week I would have said I generally prefer the Spark because it is simple, easy and less monetary risk if something goes wrong. My bias has shifted more toward the Mavic since I got the
Master Airscrew Stealth props. Now it is more of a whisper than a swarm of angry bees. I probably fly the Spark 4 times as often as the Mavic.
It is in Panama City, Florida. Boating is what brought me here. We lived aboard a sailboat for about a year, but now we are hard-core "dirt dwellers" and just have a kayak.
In post #18 on this thread I said, "I have NEVER had the real mission turn out like the one on Google Earth." This is me, eating my words.
Today I flew a mission, that, if anything, looked better than the Google Earth simulation. To steal a line from Mary Poppins, it was "practically perfect in every way." I believe the thing that made it work was that it had absolutely NO points of interest. I used
Custom(WD) with heading and gimbal pitch specified at every way-point, and I used
interpolate to transition between points. If I could, I wouldn't change a thing. I'm still a Litchi fan.
Since this thread is about taking pictures with Litchi, here is a frame from today's mission.