@Ian in London I find it interesting that you had a noticeable improvement when flying backwards. It's fairly clear in the video too. However I'm tending to think that may be as a result of the rear props being slightly deformed and not performing at full efficiency. 2 things may confirm that: 1. have you had any "change the props on the beeping motor" warnings? 2.Let the drone hover in still air (inside and away from walls/floor etc is ideal) and then examine the flight log file to see what the motor speeds are - notably higher speeds on the rear motors indicates they are working harder to compensate for deformed props.
Regarding finding zig-zagging into wind as helping: I think it might just be an illusion, as the drone moves across ground quicker, but it doesn't move upwind any quicker. If you want to make headway into the wind then the best way to do that is always tackle it straight on. The drone may move slowly, but it will be making the best progress it can against the wind. By flying diagonally into the wind the drone may move faster and it might look good, but the drone is actually making less progress against the wind since it is spending half of its energy going laterally and only half in moving into the wind.
Good video, generally, though and I'm a big fan of doing some carefully planned flights in quite windy conditions