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The mission created by Mission Hub can not fly over unlocked zone but I can fly over when I just tape the waypoints on App.


Well-Known Member
Oct 25, 2019
As explained before my area is in GEO and limit to 60 meters but Taichung airport altitude is over downtown so I can apply unlock to 180 meters maximum. I just receive the new Mavic Air replacement from DJI and apply for unlock to 180 M, I than go to run mission that created by Mission Hub, WP1 is 30M and WP2 is 80M, but my MA can not reach WP2 and hand one between WP1 and WP2 even the GPS counts is over 10 (last time DJI engineer told me that is the minimum for unlock).

I get MA landing and use my hand to tap 3 waypoints on Litchi APP (WP mode), WP1 still set 30M, WP2 set as 80M and WP3 set as 150M, and upload to MA and let it go. Interesting issue, MA can fly to WP3 that is 150 meters.

Question is coming up, why the mission even such three Waypoints as I use hand tape but created with Mission Hub and than download to Lichi App, but MA will hang in 60 M. If I skip open the file created from Mission Hub and MA can fly to 150 M if I just tape 3 waypoints on Litchi App.

Any advice how to overcome this funny issue ? I attach 2 share of AIR DATA , first one is the mission I use hand tape waypoints and MA can fly over 60 M to reach 148.5 meters. the 2nd share is the mission that created with Mission Hub and only reach 60.1 meters as most high. BTW, both mission run on same park.

Mission created by tape wayponts and fly over 60 M.

Mission created with Mission Hub and download to App than can reach 60.1 M as most high.
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