You sir are 100% correct!
I am going to the State of California Superior Court on 8/2/2018 regarding this exact issue. The State of California Department of Park and Recreation has manipulated California state law by attaching an
Inland Empire District Order # 950-16-001 to an existing state law that says absolutely nothing that allows the state to prohibiting UAS aircraft flight in the U.S.airspace above the Chino Hills State Park or anywhere else in the entire state of California. This unlawful action by the Department of Park and Recreation does not make their posted order into a state law. There is no California state law the gives the state permission from the F.A.A. to have their own rules or regulations governing the operation of aircraft in the U.S. airspace. This F.A.A. statement includes UAS flight operations.
Press Release – FAA Statement–Federal vs. Local Drone Authority
In this case, the State of California Department of Park and Recreation has violated federal regulations by suspending and prohibiting my UAS flight in the Chino Hills State Park on June 20, 2018. I was flying in Class G airspace and I also submitted a flight plan prior to my flight to the F.A.A. using the
F.A.A. Low Altitude Authorization and Notification Capability system (L.A.A.N.C.) services through the AIRMAP app. My flight plan was approved by the F.A.A. to fly my Mavic Pro #4 aircraft in the U.S.airspace in the Chino Hills State Park for duration of one hour with a maximum altitude of 400 feet Above Ground Level (AGL) in the area designated in my flight plan. My approved flight plan started on May 25, 2018 at 8:54 AM and ended at 9:54 AM.
It is not necessary to submit a flight plan when flying a UAS in Class G airspace so why did I submit my flight plan to the F.A.A. on that day?
Very simple, to prove that my flight was 100% legally approved by the F.A.A. just in case any Law Enforcement Officer (LEO) were to come up and tell me that my flight was illegal!
Dropbox - IMG_3318.PNG
Dropbox - IMG_3226_Print Size.png
The LEO informed me that
"my flight violated state law that prohibits drone flight in the Chino Hills State Park". The LEO also said, "that it was also illegal to fly any drone in any State Park in the United States!"
I immediately informed the LEO that his statements were totally untrue and that there was no California State law that allows the state to prohibit aircraft flight of any kind in the state.
I then asked the LEO to show me the state law that he verbally charged for violation in writing. The LEO would not show me the code of law simply because there is no state law that allows the state to prohibit UAS aircraft flight of any kind in the U.S. airspace.
In my case, the LEO had absolutely no idea that by prohibiting my UAS aircraft flight, the state would be in violation of Federal Regulations by prohibiting my aircraft flight.
This type of illegal situation can happen to any UAS pilot so I am recommending that all F.A.A. registered UAS pilots to submit a flight plan to the F.A.A. using the
AIRMAP app to assure that their UAS flights are not only safe but also that their flights have been approved legally under F.A.A. regulations.
Please include a link that will support forum members who have an opposing opinion. Otherwise, we are all just blowing smoke here and wasting each others time!
Thank you.