Well-Known Member
I read your post (actually about 4 times to fully digest your thought process) and it still is a bit confusing. Even other members are reading it the same way I am.
If you were charged with "flying over the park from non-park land" you might have a case. But It sounds like you was physically standing on park property and charged as such. If, you were not standing on park property (or adjacent property managed by the park) then I stand corrected and I apologize. Until that time you're in the wrong.
Hi Big Al, to be very clear, I was not charged by the state for taking off or for landing my UAS in the state park. I was charged for "flying" over the park of which no state or local government has the right to prohibit any aircraft operations such as flight paths or altitudes, or the U.S. navigable airspace. Press Release – FAA Statement–Federal vs. Local Drone Authority