Sorry I forgot you are in the UK so please put that into context when I talk about FAA/Congress. Anyway, the public will look nicely upon recreational drones and drone flyers as soon as the drone community does so but not until then. The current state of drones in America has little if anything to do with the conduct of recreational drone flyers, we absolutely will not take on the blame for that. I understand I frown upon the current rules and regulations (or at least their implementation) a lot more than others so it feels to me like a lot of blame to take on for [apparent] harsh conditions (which seem to be getting worse by the year). Like everyone else I believe in safety but that's the extent of it because how can you believe in new laws that are based on "bad actors" and "free spirits." We cannot be judged by the few "false flag*" abusers among us else this is never going to go anywhere and it hurts everybody; a drone will be like a skateboard, the same useless toy we all played with growing up. You see someone on a bird type scooter (the modern day skateboard) and it still kinda falls flat.a) Drone regulation is steered by advisory committees who are not part of any government body, but it is the government bodies that turn advisories into regulations.
b) the FAA is a federal government department, the same as the CAA (which until 1970 went by the title of 'the Air Ministry").
c) The number of cases of actual injury or damage to property (proven) is and always has been miniscule to non-existent compared to the number of drones in use. All 'data' cited in official CAA documentation addressing incidents that warrant increased and tougher regulation is covered with an asterisk followed by a page footnote with the word 'alleged' in very, very small type.
d) *THE* idiots.... not *ALL* idiots.
e) in official documents, these 'free spirits' are described as "bad actors" ie: those who undertake bad actions and it is the actions of those 'bad actors' that is cited over and over again in Aviation Authority reports as being the single factor leading to the requirement for harsher regulation.
We are not being assessed and judged by the actions of careful drone fliers (the majority). We are affected by the actions of those who flagrantly abuse current regulations (the minority).
Please help me push back on that so we don't continue to be seen as peeping toms or privacy invaders or spying on victims because we have literally hundreds of laws being drawn up on this as we speak. We will be overwhelmed shortly.
*I don't necessarily mean government involvement but errant drone flyers who are not true hobbyists who fly once or twice in a lifetime, have no skin in the game because they have one drone and it's the only drone they'll ever have, doesn't care how they are perceived, could care less if all drones are banned or not. This hobby is prime for that.