Wow.... Comments like this.. These are the people that think the trees swaying back and forth make the wind blow... There are a million needed reasins to fly at night. Here is one. Security patrol on a 22 acre property dealing with ( Mod Removed)drug addict loser homeless stealing from your some cases all cases daily... Smash and grabs, assault... And cops do nothing due to the current attitudes from people who make idiotic comments like this. With video/pics from a drone following tresspassers it allows the cops to be called then directed to the exact location of the thieves running away. They always get caught not wasting police time... You should always request a call back from police so you can guide them to target. By providing police with video it forces them to deal with the homeless. At the very least they have to (Tresspass them) They have to ID them and run them through the system. 9 out of 10 times these guys have warrants... Then they have to arrest them. Understand, law enforcement will hardly ever arrest a homeless thief or even one that has assaulted, beat down someone to steal for thier drug habit. They have no jobs, no money, and huge drug habit that they only need 10 bucks a week for all the heroin they need. Doing nightly patrols around a property and catching these people before they can commit crimes against you..... Is this not a good reason to fly at night with night vision?