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Things I have learnt in my first week as a drone pilot


Mar 1, 2018
I've had my drone for a week now, and a very frustrating week its been. I've snuck off early on two afternoons to try it out and it's just as well I did because the weekend was blown out :(

What I have leant then.

It's difficult to judge overhanging branches from 25m away. And for that matter, judging how close I am to the trunks of the trees. And the MPP does not have collision detection above or behind, Fortunately both of these learning points were demonstrated at very slow speeds and only resulted in turning the ends of one propeller green.

Drones change direction slowly. Not a big surprise, but it's going to take me a few flights to dial into that, so for the time being stay in beginners mode and SLOW down. This on cost me a prop when the drone hung up in a low branch and I didn't shut it off soon enough.

You can see quite along way over the blasted heaths and low lands of the Angles of the East from 30m above my garden. Admittedly I do live on top of what counts for a hill in these parts :)

Using a polarising filter with the camera shield still on creates some interesting colouring effects. A bit obvious this one when you think about it because the camera shield is curved plastic, a material which is not renowned for it's optical qualities. But given the top two, I'll be keeping the shield on for the time being.

There's still a lot to learn yet. Flying the Mavic Pro isn't difficult given that its mostly automatic. As long as I take it slowly I think I'm going to be able to do all I want to quite quickly. If I was going to want to go racing then I suspect it would take me a lot longer to get proficient enough to be competitive enough to enjoy it, but giving that my goals are photography, I think I'll be able to gain the necessary skills to allow me to turn my attentions to the camera setting fairly soon. That however, will be a whole new learning curve and I rather think that I'll need to gain more flying skills as I learn what the system is capable of.

Still, if it were easy, there'd really be no point would there :)
Welcome and just work through the different functions and settings for a few weeks.
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