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This weather SUCKS !!!!


Well-Known Member
May 4, 2018
Got my first drone sitting on the dining room table staring me in the face for the last 3 evenings and it’s been raining !!!
Calling for another 3 days of rain. WTH !!! :D
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Haha. I must admit I put it by our French door, got a strong gps signal and raised it up off the floor 3’ and promptly landed it. Hehe

Not brave enough to do anything more :D
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Same weather here in Atlanta. Rain for the past few days. I have to test fly drones every day, and have to look outside often to see if there is a break in the clouds to fly. Oops, gotta go, the rain stopped for 5 minutes. :)
I had 9 days of rain out of 11 when I got mine, though its been remarkably dry and sunny in the UK ever since. I just used it to view yet more videos and tutorials but its nice when the good weather finally returns but yeah, don't fly it indoors and dont fly it in even very, very light fine rain - i did, for ten minutes at which point I just quit, everything started to get very wet.
I felt your pain last year. Bought mine in the fall & made 1 flight before the snow fell. It was a long winter of waiting!
sun sun some more sun then we wash down the sun with some more sun haha. the okanagan valley is known for sunScreen Shot 2018-05-13 at 10.20.51 PM.png
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Got my first drone sitting on the dining room table staring me in the face for the last 3 evenings and it’s been raining !!!
Calling for another 3 days of rain. WTH !!! :D
Buddy I am in Nj my self and I feel the pain, also a newbie dying to go out some more...
I’m in Michigan, having perfect weather for a change. You know what they say about Michigan. Summer is just 2 weeks of bad ice fishing.
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