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travelling to bali with mavic??


New Member
Feb 1, 2017
hey guys i'm heading off to Bali for a few weeks soon, just wondering if any of you guys have had problems with customs/security etc.

Heading there in a few months myself and interested to hear how your trip goes and where you fly. From the research I've done regarding customs is that you will have to declare it and they may question you about it. Keep the declared value down, make sure they know it's used, and that it's photo equipment. With all the videos on youtube taken by drone there I can't imagine you will have much of an issue. If you find out or experience any different make sure you come back and let me know. Have a great trip. Where are you staying?
Flown to Indonesia recently with it (not Bali, but same country) and had no problem. No declarations, just took it with me, they saw it on their x-rays, no problem.
Guys, as i see many of us are kinda lost regarding to traveling with our drones. Since i did not found any good sheet regarding to this i created a sub page on my website. Drone owners like us can easily check and filter departure and arrival and check if anything to worry about or we should be aware before our trip.

Submit HERE:
» Drone Airplane Regulations and Tips

To avoid any spam flood the submissions will be reviewed within 12-24 hours, but after time this can be incredible handy for all of us. If you have any experience please share with us.
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There are currently 4 known airports in Indonesia that forbid drone :
Juanda Airport (Surabaya)
Sepinggan Airport (Balikpapan)
Adi Sucipto Airport (Yogyakarta)
Achmad Yani Airport (Semarang)
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There are currently 4 known airports in Indonesia that forbid drone :
Juanda Airport (Surabaya)
Sepinggan Airport (Balikpapan)
Adi Sucipto Airport (Yogyakarta)
Achmad Yani Airport (Semarang)

Only if you fly from there, or arrival they can remove it from your hand luggage?
Domestic arrival : no luggage check, so no problem
International arrival : they will check, and they might give u some trouble
Those 4 airports info were given to me by some local traveler when they want to depart from those 4
Indonesia is an Islamic country. Just be careful as their criminal justice system is not exactly western.
Indonesia is an Islamic country. Just be careful as their criminal justice system is not exactly western.

Thanks. Bali is more than 80% Hindu with only a small fraction of the population being Muslim.
Indonesia is an Islamic country. Just be careful as their criminal justice system is not exactly western.

Yes. If a UAV operator calls themselves a pilot over there, it's instant beheading. It's called "Dan's Law".

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