At times, I believe that there are some advantages to be had, when one lives in a high-crime city as I do. This may sound odd to say...of course the huge disadvantage is the crime...but an advantage is that one learns, through necessity or the school of hard knocks, to be extremely careful about what one leaves in a vehicle. Not just what one leaves there overnight, but even for 5 minutes while hopping out of the car to buy a couple groceries in the store. I've had things stolen out of my vehicle when I was away from it for less than 5 minutes.
It's common knowledge in my area that you NEVER leave anything of value, visible in any way in a vehicle. Not everyone has learned this, sad to say -- there are still people with their heads very deep in the sand, who seem surprised that in a city with one of the highest car burglary rates in the nation (among the top 10 cities for highest car burglary rates)...."Wow, someone broke into my car. I never expected that!" Really?

Get your head out of your....
So, in such a setting, many have learned not to leave valuables for 5 minutes in mid-day. And that it's best to never leave items of value in the vehicle overnight, even if they are not visible. In my city, people in the midst of moving from one location to another, have awakened in the morning to find that the U-Haul they were filling up with their belongings, has been completely emptied, or has just disappeared.
Of course it is a hassle to have to live like this, having to be hypervigilant. In a better world, this wouldn't be necessary. But -- sigh -- it does seem to be good training for the world we inhabit at present.
I do hope you are able to track down your drones if they are being sold on EBay, Facebook, or in a local pawn shop or flea market.