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Two features one flight


Well-Known Member
Sep 6, 2017
I wanted to know how accurate smart rth was. I was confident in the area flying that finding it if it auto landed would not be too difficult. I also fly with a tracking gps onboard. 14800 feet out and smart rth initiates. I cancel and run to 16000, turn around and then start manual rth. The mavic auto landed about 1000 feet shy of home. I went to the area and spotted her sitting there all tuckered out. Then used go4 find my drone to see if it worked. Spot on. Checked trackimo and really close. Any of the methods would have worked for finding and the rth is close in this situation. Impressed.
Relying only on that real life experience could lead to the loss of your Mavic down the line because you'll be expecting that performance and forget that wind can affect it.
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Relying only on that real life experience could lead to the loss of your Mavic down the line because you'll be expecting that performance and forget that wind can affect it.
It was a one time test of this functionality. I specifically set this flight up. It was more of a information post about the rth functionality specific to battery smart rth and whether is was accurate, testing find my drone and trackimo for accuracy also. I'm typically returning prior to warning about battery on everyday flights. If a pilot is not aware of adverse conditions that could affect rth, then said pilot probably will be the one calling dji about a rth crash because they flew behind something.
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