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Understanding Interference (And the CPU overloaded warning).


Well-Known Member
Jan 15, 2018
Hey guys, long story short, my MA2 is not achieving anywhere near the advertised range.

And I also am being given the "CPU overloaded: Related performance may be affected" warning on my iPhone 7 plus the moment I connect DJI fly to the drone. I don't even get a chance to film or do anything with it. It's more prevalent since updating to the latest firmware and app version.

In trying to troubleshoot the range issue, I sent them a flight log that showed my test takeoff location as being in a park. They said there could still be "Environmental interference".

It was a large park, and I was right in the middle of it. I flew over houses, but at a height of 120m, and managed to get a record 1.2km away. On an earlier flight from the same spot, I managed just 300m before a quick drop out, but then recovered and made it to 700, with the drone losing connection over water. If either flight was going to have an issue, I assumed it would be the one over the houses with all those wifi networks?

So... The attached screengrabs were from that test flight, as well as my recent (August) trip across Australia, right after I bought the drone.

Some were coastal, in small towns, quite far from major population centres. And some were literally as far from another human as you can possibly get, in the middle of Australia. I was losing signal less than 400m from my location (sometimes less), with a clear line of sight, and nobody around for hundreds of kilometres.

1. So first of all, does this seem faulty to you? Or is this "normal"? Upon seeing the extra screengrabs of the Australia trip, DJI asked me to send in for repair.

2. I’m not sure what they meant by “environmental interference”. They seemed to be referring to the fact that I was in a park?

3. If I am standing in the wrong place (Lots of interference where I am), but the drone is flying far from interference (out to sea, or away from houses), is that better or worse than if I choose a good location to stand (No nearby networks), and then the drone flys over an area with lots of interference?

And similarly, what happens if I am just flying over houses in a regular neighbourhood with lots of low powered wifi networks, and perhaps a cell phone tower in the area too? I know that’s not “ideal”, but since the interference is somewhat constant, is that better or worse than above?

4. They also recommended I manually select the band. I have not tried this yet, but shouldn’t the Auto dual band kind of choose the best option? I presume it will prioritise finding the least interference, and therefore maximise connection strength and range? If not, what band should I try?

5. Lastly, the CPU "Overloaded issue". My phone (iPhone 7 plus running iOS 14.4) is supported. It's a refurb due to a breakage, and it has a new battery that is 89% healthy and still supporting "peak performance". Still, that error appears almost instantly when connecting to the drone, before I do anything in the app at all, or start filming. The phone isn't too hot. I'm in airplane mode, and the phone is not in "low power mode".

Is that a fault? Or is that just a fact of life with this combo? Any workarounds?



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... It's more prevalent since updating to the latest firmware and app version.

... some were literally as far from another human as you can possibly get, in the middle of Australia. I was losing signal less than 400m from my location (sometimes less), with a clear line of sight, and nobody around for hundreds of kilometres.

... not sure what they meant by “environmental interference”

... Lots of interference where I am, but the drone is flying far from that better or worse than if I choose a good location to stand and then the drone flys over an area with lots of interference?

... manually select the band. I have not tried this...shouldn’t the Auto dual band kind of choose the best option?

... Lastly, the CPU "Overloaded issue"...

The 2 first in the quote above from your post ... & even the last regarding the overload (if that also have surfaced as a new problem lately) suggests that this have to do with DJI software issues, either craft firmware, app version or both.

Out in the middle of no where with an unobstructed line of sight between RC & AC it shouldn't be any problems to fly for several kilometres ... even I with a Mavic Air 1, which only have Enhanced WiFi instead of Occusync, I can go out 4km in rural areas. The mobile device overload message says that the processing power isn't enough for what the FLY app needs.

Regarding the interference question & what's best ... well, it's all interference between the RC & AC that counts. Just because you stand uninterfered ... doesn't mean that you can maintain a good connection to the AC if it's either in interference or it is interference between you & the AC. Plain & simple you can never know how it is along the whole route.

Auto selecting between 2,4 & 5,8GHz happens usually at startup of the system, not during flight ... so if you know how the surroundings are regarding interference vs. the distance you want to achieve it's always better to manually chose either of them.

2,4GHZ for longer distances, more sensitive to interference, lower data transfer rate & better penetration through some objects.

5,8GHz for shorter distances, less sensitivity for interference, higher data transfer rate & worse penetration ability.
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what happens if I am just flying over houses in a regular neighbourhood with lots of low powered wifi networks, and perhaps a cell phone tower in the area too? I know that’s not “ideal”, but since the interference is somewhat constant, is that better or worse than above?
Interference is common and normal in urban areas.
Houses, businesses and machinery are creating it all the time.
It doesn't matter that you are standing in a park if the drone is a kilometre away over a residential area.
The issue is all the interference between the drone and controller.
It's like trying to talk to someone across a crowded, noisy room.

5. Lastly, the CPU "Overloaded issue". My phone (iPhone 7 plus running iOS 14.4) is supported.
The message is telling you that the phone is overworked.
It's >5 years old and has only 2GB of RAM so it's not a powerhouse to run the rather demanding DJI app.
Added to that any other apps or processes will add to the overhead the processor is dealing with.
Closing down unnecessary apps, caching video etc will free up some resources.
I also have an iPhone 7 I use with my mini 2 and get the same error message so I have closed all the apps and still get it. So how do I empty or close down caching video? Thanks.
So I’ve tried everything. I’m convinced that DJI upgrades have outpaced the capabilities of at least the iPhone 7 and later models and don’t really care that they have, maybe they have cut a deal with Apple to get these owners to go out and buy a new $1200 phone just to be able to fly this drone. Why doesn’t DJI provide controllers that include a video display that can be upgraded as future updates are released? Probably cost prohibitive and let the parent of the 12 year who got this as a birthday gift go out and drop another chunk of change on a phone that will work with it. I have to decide now whether owning this Mini 2 is worth going out and recommitting to another 2 year phone contract and $40 a month added to my bill to pay for this phone just to operate a drone in a more and more regulated environment. Really? Is that where DJI is going? Why can’t I get a software update that supports this phone?
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maybe they have cut a deal with Apple to get these owners to go out and buy a new $1200 phone just to be able to fly this drone.
Not really ... there's no way they could ensure that you buy a new Apple device.
There are plenty of cheaper and non-Apple devices that will run the app quite well.
Why doesn’t DJI provide controllers that include a video display that can be upgraded as future updates are released?
Because as things are, people can save the $$ and use the phone they already have.
I have to decide now whether owning this Mini 2 is worth going out and recommitting to another 2 year phone contract and $40 a month added to my bill to pay for this phone just to operate a drone.
You could just buy a more up-to-date device for flying.
For instance a pre-owned Ipad mini 5 could be found for $300 or maybe less.
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You could just buy a more up-to-date device for flying.
For instance a pre-owned Ipad mini 5 could be found for $300 or maybe less.
Exactly. I picked up an iPad "regular" for $300 brand new, direct from Apple. Wifi only, you don't need cell service. Bigger screen, and yes, you will need a different bracket to hold the iPad. But I really like the screen size. Btw, you can even shop Apple's refurbished section: Refurbished iPads
Don't you have a family member/friend that will let you use their phone and download the djifly app and compare what you get with your iphone?
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Don't you have a family member/friend that will let you use their phone and download the djifly app and compare what you get with your iphone?
That’s an excellent idea!!! My wife has an iPhone 11 which I will certainly try. However, if anything ever acts up with her phone again you know it will be totally my fault. Might be worth the many years of aggravation I’m sure to endure though. I also have an iPad 4 which she gifted me from her old employer which the Apple store already offered me $150 trade in credit towards a newer version which I thought would be better than going down the new phone path.
I also have an iPad 4 .... which I thought would be better than going down the new phone path.
The iPad 4 came out in 2012 and is an antique compared to your iPhone 7.
It has a slower processor, less memory and as it's a 32 bit device, won't even load the DJI Fly app.
I also meant to to say iPad mini 4 and no it won’t run MY Mavic mini 2. It actually gets the CPU error as soon as I take off and she announces the home point has been found. I have tried everything.
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