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United States National Cemeteries Rules

BigAI07 I agree with your comment. I'm currently being asked to film the procession by a family whose hero is leaving behind 9 year old and 6 year old sons. They want to document this so the boys can reflect on it in the future. I'm also seeking permission beforehand but am doing this from a perspective of honoring, not disrespecting. So far my answer has been "No" from the cemetery. I will follow up with DVA. If you have any other advice as to how we can capture this for the family and still respect other visitors at the cemetery, please provide.

First off WELCOME to the forum.

I would coordinate with whoever is "handling" the details and make sure not to be flying at all during the actual ceremony. People are going to be fixated on the DRONE and during such a solemn time someone is going to get upset/irritated.

It would be GREAT if you were flying with a Mavic 2 ZOOM so you could be further away and just zoom in to some degree.
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