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Very low flying aircraft in a area not designated NFZ

Mr Banks

Active Member
May 19, 2018
I was sat out at a location this weekend, and two very lew flowing motorised light aircraft (look liked gliders but had engines) flew over. Definiteley appeared to be lower than 400feet.

Immediateley my wife asked me what would happen If I had been flying my Mavic Air, which I reckon could have easily been at same height as these aircraft - and in path of these planes.

I looked at NATS app, and the location I was at that time was not listed as a cautionary area, or had any warnings that such aircraft may be flying in area / or low.

And I did wonder what would happen if I did have my MA up in the air at that time, and how dangerous the situ would be?

I always thought if i flew my Mavic in an area that showed to be clear on NATS, this situation would not arise? To be honest it has worried me a little?
This is exactly the reason behind VLOS.
A MANNED aircraft always has the right-of-way.
If your drone hits a manned aircraft, or if a manned aircraft hits your drone, you are responsible, period, regardless of NFZ designations.
I always thought if i flew my Mavic in an area that showed to be clear on NATS, this situation would not arise?
The speed limit on my street is 30mph. Does this mean I don't have to worry about anyone going 40+mph?

Fly carefully.
I’ve you notice the other aircraft you would just lower your altitude.
I’ve you notice the other aircraft you would just lower your altitude.

I guess so. - if I could see them approaching that is. But these we didn't see coming, they were literally on top of us. Admittedly we were sat outside, and not looking in air, so probably easy to not spot approaching. And if I had been flying MA I would have been looking in air and more alert to issues obviously.

It just made me think to be honest. What would I have done. Just spooked me a little.
This is exactly the reason behind VLOS.
A MANNED aircraft always has the right-of-way.
If your drone hits a manned aircraft, or if a manned aircraft hits your drone, you are responsible, period, regardless of NFZ designations.
The speed limit on my street is 30mph. Does this mean I don't have to worry about anyone going 40+mph?

Fly carefully.

Will do. And yes I do worry about irresponsible drivers on road of course. And if someone was going 40mph on a 30pm road, then that would be illegal, and they would be at fault. However I don't believe these planes were doing anything wrong or flying illegally, unless they are supposed to keep above a certain height? It just spooked me to think that in an area I assumed would be free from very 'low flying planes, wasn't. Just made me a bit mindful about what i would have done if i was flying MA at time. Just spooked me a little.
I was sat out at a location this weekend, and two very lew flowing motorised light aircraft (look liked gliders but had engines) flew over. Definiteley appeared to be lower than 400feet.

Immediateley my wife asked me what would happen If I had been flying my Mavic Air, which I reckon could have easily been at same height as these aircraft - and in path of these planes.

I looked at NATS app, and the location I was at that time was not listed as a cautionary area, or had any warnings that such aircraft may be flying in area / or low.

And I did wonder what would happen if I did have my MA up in the air at that time, and how dangerous the situ would be?

I always thought if i flew my Mavic in an area that showed to be clear on NATS, this situation would not arise? To be honest it has worried me a little?

Motorised gliders can easily be low AND to make it hard to hear coming. They're allowed and have right of way so the responsibility for avoiding a collision is 100% on you.

In reality any collision will be slow speed, unlikely to damage the manned aircraft and will utterly destroy your mavic air so its not a huge problem unless bits of it land on someone or something.
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