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video buffering


Jan 7, 2024
need some advice please, own a mini 3 dgi, taken many videos ,but playing them back on my pc after downloading , the quality is not good and videos keep buffering, stopping starting,,do i need to purchase new graphics card,or get second hand gaming machine, ive had a bit input asking about my pc , but im not that clued up as to give a good answer in response,i need someone who has been in same problem, the sd card taken out of drone is a 4k ready card ,formatted and all that,
if your computer is unable to process the 4K image fast enough then you will not get a smooth playback try recording at 10.80p at 30fps and see if that helps
if your computer is unable to process the 4K image fast enough then you will not get a smooth playback try recording at 10.80p at 30fps and see if that helps
thanks, will try,would i get it to play better with new card or gaming pc, the reason i ask ,is i would like to edit said videos
...would i get it to play better with new card or gaming pc, the reason i ask ,is i would like to edit said videos
@chrishal ... your question is very general & also a bit of a guess work, we don't know anything about the specs of your present computer, what player you've used, what settings you've used for the video clip & what editor you will use for editing later on.

Simply said... yeah, a new NASA grade computer will likely handle everything you can produce out from a Mini 3 better & faster than your computer.

Video specs, good enough computer specs & possible post edit is actually a pretty comprehensive subject with a lot of components to weigh together & on top of this comes how long time you feel is bearable to wait for a rendering after a edit... & how much $$$ you're prepared to put into this.

Here below some knowledge around what's putting load on the computer when working with video files & some minimum specs computer wise for handling 4K video files in an acceptable way.

About the video file:
4K video isn't just 4K...below have major impact on the playability...

-Resolution, (higher usually gives less impact compared to below 3)

-Codec, (H264 or H265, kind of a go/no go effect)

-Bitrate, (higher values usually puts on a lot of load making the computer struggle)

-Framerate, (higher usually have a great impact on the playability)

About minimum computer specs for 4K:
-At least 4 core processors is desirable - Intel 6th Gen or newer CPU, or AMD equivalents, such as Ryzen 5 or 7th line of processors.

-16 GB RAM minimum for 4K videos.

-The video card at least 4 GB, Nvidia GTX 1650, preferably newer - for example Nvidia RTX 2060 or 3060, AMD Radeon R5 or later.

Additional tweaks that may help:
-Update your graphic card drivers.

-If you are editing on a laptop, make sure it is plugged in.

-Copy your 4K videos to an internal SSD for faster processing.
need some advice please, own a mini 3 dgi, taken many videos ,but playing them back on my pc after downloading , the quality is not good and videos keep buffering, stopping starting,,do i need to purchase new graphics card,or get second hand gaming machine, ive had a bit input asking about my pc , but im not that clued up as to give a good answer in response,i need someone who has been in same problem, the sd card taken out of drone is a 4k ready card ,formatted and all that,
If you are having trouble exporting your video it might be because of setting the export at a high bit rate. Recently, I had to wait nearly a full day to export a video becauseI made an error in setting th bit rate at 100 instead of 10.
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