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Video Recording Time Stamp


Well-Known Member
Feb 22, 2018
Surprise, AZ
Flying a Mavic Pro
Hi Gentlemen, didn't know really what to title this post. Something has been changed in my settings, I had to have done it and for the life of me figure out what is going on.

When I use to hit the record button you would see just below the red button the timing in minutes of your video you were shooting.

Now when I hit the video record button it just says 7%, that is it. I will not be near a computer for some time so I would greatly appreciate any help getting minutes to show up below the record button. Also, sense I will not be near a computer for some time, have I been recording anything when it has said 7%. Thanks for your help
Maybe you can indicate what device you use to run the Go4 app?
Can it be related to low battery or you memory card has only 7% remaining space? Did you try to format the memory card?
I only have seen minutes or record bellow the big red button. The remain recording time is displayed on top right but is also in hours:minutes:seconds, not in %.
But I have only a short history with the Mavic Pro.
Hi Dronason, I use an iPad mini 4 and too have only seen minutes and seconds shown. The SD card had just been recently formatted. Thanks, time to keep tinkering.
I tried to fill a 64GB and see if it change the display, but there was no difference, all indications are in time unit, not %.
That was on a CrystalSky (android). Tried same on my ipad4 with same result, still get time displayed.
All firmwares and app are latest on my side.

By the way, there are % displayed bellow the big red button instead of time if you do a quick-shoot to show its progress.

Does the 7% change or it is fixed ?
If it stays fixed, maybe full uninstall of Go4 app and reinstall, but if there is no other problems, I would wait to have computer access before going too much for deep change.

Sorry, but no other idea.
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