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Jul 7, 2017
I recently had a battery failure that resulted in losing my drone in a lake. So now I'm at a crossroads. I'm for sure going to get a new drone, just debating which one to get. The problem is I already miss my drone and don't have much patience to wait too long.

Do you think it's worth waiting for the Platinum or just buy the regular Mavic Pro again? It's only a $100 difference for the new technology. Or would you just snag a "like new" Mavic Pro instead and save a little cash?

I must add that I do like to have the freedom to fly where I want and the ability to set certain perimeters.

Since I did not have insurance or DJI refresh I will be selling my 2 remotes and DJI Goggles to help fund this new drone which sucks....but now I'm hooked!
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I'm hooked as well, but if I lose mine in the lake, I won't be buying another Mavic. I'm fed up with the gimbal issues (fragility, drift, horizon tilt, etc.) and DJI's horrendous support for Android (still waiting for Quickshots). I'm looking for another company. Hopefully the competition will be better later this year and next.

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The camera is the same, so no need to wait IMO. My next quad will have a better camera...
Wait for the platinum. If you liked your Mavic, the platinum will incorporate all they learned from the pro and more.
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For 100 usd difference I would take the platinum one [emoji6]

Maybe, if they were both sitting on the shelf. IMO, it would not be worth it to wait. There really isn't that much difference.
Buy new just in case you're inheriting someone else's problems. And no point in waiting unless you've got nothing better to do
Buy a new Mavic Pro. You may not be able to downgrade the platinum so no changes to parameters.
New camera hw just same spec but apparently some modes that didn't work on the mavic work on the platinum
The camera is the same, so no need to wait IMO. My next quad will have a better camera...
I think the $100 is worth it if you are doing slow motion videos and wanting all the bugs ironed out.
New camera has supposedly fixed the 'moire' pixel binning issue when using 50/60/96 fps. I hope they also fixed the sharpening issue in the new camera.

Keep in mind, there is a DJI announcement on the 11th of October (i think its camera related). Maybe wait a few days before purchasing.
Yes but not a lot to wait

I know they have a million threads on this but when is the general perception on when the Platinum Pro will be shipped out? Middle of Oct? End?
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I purchased a refurbished unit Tuesday or Wednesday of last week, was delivered on Friday. You can find them on Amazon or Ebay and just from doing a search. Total purchase price was $779. $20 higher on Amazon because they have to cover the prime 2 day shipping.
I ended up purchasing it on Ebay from dronesuperstore vendor. They offered free shipping and originally had estimated delivery a week or two out, I wasn't in a hurry I have a P3A. But was just an ebay miscalculation,they ship them 2nd day delivery. (Nice surprise)
Had to make some calls but its a DJI authorized dealer up around New York I think. Googled DJI for the area and made 3 calls and found the correct dealer. Its has the same warranty as a new one, I called DJI to verify. And when I cracked it open it was like brand new! Had all the plastic covering on everything etc.
I just decoded the serial number and it was manufactured Monday August 21st 2017.
I've never been afraid to buy a refurbished unit especially if it has the same warranty. And if an item doesn't there is cheap alternatives to have it insured online. Cant think of the name of the one I use frequently.
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I know they have a million threads on this but when is the general perception on when the Platinum Pro will be shipped out? Middle of Oct? End?

In Switzerland a retailer told me mid October (tomorrow if I remember well)
In Switzerland a retailer told me mid October (tomorrow if I remember well)

I just got off chat with DJI this morning and here is what they said.

I think once all the hype,is over most will find the latest and greatest
Platinum Pro,isn't that much better,if any better at all! A tweek to the ESC's,and diffrent props,plus a new paint job! The extended flight time, (always over rated) will most likley be 90 seconds in real world operations,instead of 3 minutes. If they would have extended the flight range/speed,and a larger capacity battery,plus really added a better camera,I'd be all over it!:)
It depends on what you're doing with it as they have upgraded the camera to support higher frame rates correctly

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