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Waypoint changes need badly !


Active Member
Aug 1, 2022
Dover, Delaware US
DJI Mavic 3 Classic Waypoint changes need badly !

Greetings, I was flying waypoint two times yesterday and the altitude was 32 to 34 feet high the

Mavic 3 classic on its own went up higher to some 38 feet and swayed way off by 15 to 20 feet trying

to crash in to the power cables, I had to abort the mission to save my Mavic 3 Classic.

1. When we load up a waypoint Mission it should clearly say on the Waypoint Bar the mission name,
at all times, actual flight duration in minutes and seconds

2. When in waypoint mission the altitude in feet must always be visible on top left of the screen
while flying Waypoint.

3. Yesterday I spent a lot of time creating a newer Waypoint and in the end I lost it all,
Should there not be an Auto Save as default every 30 seconds while planning the Mission marked as " Test Mission "
Now I can't even find it and have to re-do it all over !

4. Should the Waypoint mission not be saved on the Remote control and not the cell as we often have to switch the cell phone ! !

5. When Hovering when the drone starts to move we should be able to adjust from 0 to 8 seconds
gradually build up to Global speed and at the end too before it begins to Hover gradual slow down
from 0 to 8 seconds for Cinematic purposes !

* * * * Implement this function in all modes of all your drone !

6. The video recording should stop at the end of Hover, not before !

7. The " Go " needs to be much bigger and away from others ( On top Center of the screen )

8. I have a hard time making adjustments to altitude as the numbers keep jumping very fast

Please put these arrows up / down where < > exactly where ( Next ) is for all fine tuning
adjustments !

* * What ever function I Highlight then should be able to use the Up / Down arrows where Next was
to fine tune it !

What's funny is I find myself holding breath while fine tuning my adjustments as they the numbers jump,
That's why I just want to Highlight then make my adjustments with Up / Down arrows in place of the " Next "

9. Why do I have to keep clicking Start Rec at each and every waypoint, why not the first starting to
record and then at the end when I want to stop recording. All points in between should automatically
be " Rec " unless I click " Stop Rec "

10. While making other adjustments it unknowingly adds newer way points will certainly cause a
crash if we are not very alert !

11. The Cancel button to abort RTH needs to be 2 to 3 times bigger and flashing !

I was flying and happen to look up and the drone was missing when I checked the remote screen I
saw a tiny " Cancel "

The battery had gone low and RTH had activated without my even noticing it !

PS: The while checking waypoints the regular map is far more precise than the GPS map for making finer corrections, don't believe me just load up the waypoint and switch between the two maps and see the difference for yourself !
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DJI Mavic 3 Classic Waypoint changes need badly !

Greetings, I was flying waypoint two times yesterday and the altitude was 32 to 34 feet high the

Mavic 3 classic on its own went up higher to some 38 feet and swayed way off by 15 to 20 feet trying

to crash in to the power cables, I had to abort the mission to save my Mavic 3 Classic.

A. When we load up a waypoint Mission it should clearly say on the Waypoint Bar the mission name,
at all times, actual flight duration in minutes and seconds

B. When in waypoint mission the altitude in feet must always be visible on top left of the screen
while flying Waypoint.

3. When Hovering when the drone starts to move we should be able to adjust from 0 to 8 seconds
gradually build up to Global speed and at the end too before it begins to Hover gradual slow down
from 0 to 8 seconds for Cinematic purposes !

* * * * Implement this function in all modes of all your drone !

4. The video recording should stop at the end of Hover, not before !

5. The " Go " needs to be much bigger and away from others ( On top Center of the screen )

6. I have a hard time making adjustments to altitude as the numbers keep jumping very fast

Please put these arrows up / down where < > exactly where ( Next ) is for all fine tuning
adjustments !

* * What ever function I Highlight then should be able to use the Up / Down arrows where Next was
to fine tune it !

7. Why do I have to keep clicking Start Rec at each and every waypoint, why not the first starting to
record and then at the end when I want to stop recording. All points in between should automatically
be " Rec " unless I click " Stop Rec "

7. While making other adjustments it unknowingly adds newer way points will certainly cause a
crash if we are not very alert !

8. The Cancel button to abort RTH needs to be 2 to 3 times bigger and flashing !

I was flying and happen to look up and the drone was missing when I checked the remote screen I
saw a tiny " Cancel "

The battery had gone low and RTH had activated without my even noticing it !

PS: The while checking waypoints the regular map is far more precise than the GPS map for making finer corrections, don't believe me just load up the waypoint and switch between the two maps and see the difference for yourself !
When flying and planning my waypoints I would dearly love to be able to see my distance and altitude, by the waypoint interface puts a big black bar over them. You’d think this would be a no-brainer to have these details visible? Question, sometimes my Mavic will stop at an intermediate waypoint and hover. What would cause this? I have to go back and program a new mission.
For Item #7 you don't have to set Start Record for each and every waypoint. Once you turn on recording it stays on until you turn if off at another waypoint or when the mission ends. You're doing something wrong otherwise.
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Greetings, great to hear that, I'll be re-doing another waypoint and will watch it carefully !
Thank you.

PS: I did make two more Waypoints but it was very frustrating as the Altitude and other fine tuning waypoints the settings are very coarse and not precise when working 26 feet , 32 feet or 36 feet altitude, I'm right there on the ground watching and ready to abort if it sways away and tries to crash ! !
Yes at each Waypoint I had to click Record each time. ( When in Waypoint first point should I be clicking " Apply to all Waypoints " before clicking Record )
* * * * Lets say Waypoint 12 needs correction, I highlight 12 and when I put my finger on 12 to correct the waypoint 6 jumps up and get highlighted as the path crosses each other. it keeps happening over and over and here I'm holding my breath so as not to shake while doing it.
Way point is Ok for open field where the drone can sway 15 to 25 feet off course and suddenly gain altitude by 10, 15, 20 or even 25 feet ! !
While in Waypoint give us yet anther bar on top of the screen with:
Name of the Waypoint Mission, Duration in minutes and seconds.
Below that on the second line " Save," " Save As " and " Go, Start Mission " " Pause Mission "

What's great is, DJI is on top of it and constantly making improvements ! !
Maybe the next up-date will have issues corrected.
Thank you DJI.

* * * * Please note, In Cruse control give us a chance to specify how far to go like 600 feet, 800 feet or 1200 feet, before RTH or Hover .
Not disappear in to infinity ! !
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Since I could not update my original post so here is an update:

DJI Mavic 3 Classic Waypoint changes need badly !
Greetings, I was flying waypoint two times yesterday and the altitude was 32 to 34 feet high the

Mavic 3 classic on its own went up higher to some 38 feet and swayed way off by 15 to 20 feet trying

to crash in to the power cables, I had to abort the mission to save my Mavic 3 Classic.

1. When we load up a waypoint Mission it should clearly say on the Waypoint Bar the mission name,
at all times, actual flight duration in minutes and seconds, GPS coordinates # of the
Waypoint Highlighted so I can duplicate and use the same point on other Waypoints !

* * * * Right under it on a second line give us:
Pause / Resume Mission.
Fly mission Forwards or backwards
Global Speed
Save / Save As
* * When Hovering when the drone starts to move we should be able to adjust from 0 to 8 seconds
gradually build up to Global speed and at the end too before it begins to Hover gradual slow down
from 0 to 8 seconds a must for Cinematic video purposes !
* * * * Implement this function in all modes of all your drone !

2. When in waypoint mission the altitude in feet must always be visible on top left of the screen
while flying Waypoint.

3. Yesterday I spent a lot of time creating a newer Waypoint and in the end I lost it all,
Should there not be an Auto Save as default every 30 seconds while planning the Mission marked as
" Test Mission "
Now I can't even find it and have to re-do it all over !

4. Should the Waypoint mission not be saved on the Remote control and not the cell as we often
have to switch the cell phone ! !

5. The video recording should stop at the end of Hover, not before !

6. The " Go " needs to be much bigger and away from others ( On top Center of the screen )

7. I have a hard time making adjustments to altitude as the numbers keep jumping very fast

Please put these arrows up / down where < > exactly where ( Next ) is for all fine tuning
adjustments !

* * What ever function I Highlight then should be able to use the Up / Down arrows where Next was
to fine tune it !
* * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * *
What's funny is I find myself holding breath while fine tuning my adjustments as they the numbers
That's why I just want to Highlight then make my adjustments with Up / Down arrows in place of the
" Next "
Or Better Yet When WayPoint FineTuning I might be “ Great Once I HighLight then we should be
able to fine tune with the right Joy Sticks , so as not let other waypoint jump up in stead
* * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * *
8. Why do I have to keep clicking Start Rec at each and every waypoint, why not the first starting to
record and then at the end when I want to stop recording. All points in between should automatically
be " Rec " unless I click " Stop Rec "

9. While making other adjustments it unknowingly adds newer way points will certainly cause a
crash if we are not very alert !

10. The Cancel button to abort RTH needs to be 2 to 3 times bigger and flashing !

I was flying and happen to look up and the drone was missing when I checked the remote screen I
saw a tiny " Cancel "

The battery had gone low and RTH had activated without my even noticing it !

The drone battery keeps draining fast, even when planning a simple mission ! !
The remote battery too drains before we even know !
Conserve battery drainage through firmware update’s if you can !

* * * * How come the drone can RTH so precisely on target yet be so off target in Waypoint missions,
how ?
* * * I find I can’t use Waypoint due to it not very precise, off by 15 to 25 or even 30 feet when
flying only 25 to 36 feet high and I’m walking below it and ready to abort the Waypoint if tried to
crash due to swaying away ! !

PS: Transferring Waypoints should not involve Rocket science but east as 1, 2, 3 from the Remote and not Cell phone !
* * * Typhoon H years back had the right idea of using a great Remote with 7 inch screen, a hood and shoulder strap for $300, why could you not have learned from them !
They had C C C mode for what you call Waypoint and was easy as " Hell " did not sway while flying or try to crash ! !
Your RC Remote needed a 7 inch screen, hood and a shoulder strap.
Typhoon H battery did not drain as fast either as your RC does or even Autel Remote does !

Greetings G G , Thanks you so much for your valuable feedback !
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* * * * How come the drone can RTH so precisely on target yet be so off target in Waypoint missions,
how ?
RTH uses photos of the launch site as its target to refine the GPS.
The Pause button on the remote is the fastest, easiest way to abort your mission in an emergency.
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I bought my Mavic 3 Classic with DJI RC remote, after a few firmware updates it no longer will update firmware and I can't use waypoint with RC, and shows code #0X11 5000100001
Making my DJI RC useless.
The DJI N-1 remote works wonderfully with my cell.
For some reason, DJI RC fails to connect to my WIFI
Any help resolving this would be greatly appreciated.
PS: This is the very first time, While recording this morning's majestic sunrise twice the remote N-1 connection got disconnected being some 300 feet high and 100 to 175 feet from the launch. I was connected to 25 satellites.
It started RTH so fast I could not abort it !!

* * * * I Cruz Control mode please give us the following:
* * When Hovering when the drone starts to move we should be able to adjust from 0 to 8 seconds
gradually build up to set Global speed and at the end too before it begins to Hover gradually slow down
from 0 to 8 seconds, a must for Cinematic video purposes!
* * * * Implement this function in all modes of all your drone when in Normal or Cine!
Before we say go in Cruz Control gives us " A Test Button " to show a laser light to exactly show where the drone is aiming so I can make exact adjustments and only then hit " Go " or C-2.

All Videographers are aware of the fact any jerky sudden movements cause the viewer to feel dizzy.
I always start my video from still and very gradually pick up speed.

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. I have a hard time making adjustments to altitude as the numbers keep jumping very fast
Yes, this is a big problem. It's way to sensitive. You're not gonna set too may waypoints at 1,600 feet. I agree with most of your points. Why would the default speed be 6 mph and gimbal tilt 0? I thought about trying to write my own Waypoint editor when I get back to the Philippines. All the Waypoint missions are are XML files so they're fairly easy to see what's going on, but I haven't been able to change the parameters yet by myself.
Why would DJI not store the Waypoints mission on the actual drone flash card, this way we can use any remote or cell with a remote and have access to our waypoints.
Waypoints should be easy to copy and paste .
Why would DJI not store the Waypoints mission on the actual drone flash card, this way we can use any remote or cell with a remote and have access to our waypoints.
Waypoints should be easy to copy and paste .
It is nice that you can create them on your tablet by itself. DJI has told me that they can't be copied from one device to another, which I think is absurd. They are stored in their own directory, but I don't know where their names are stored. I stupidly deleted mine by clearing DJI Fly's data. Most weren't that important, but some took me a long time to perfect. I'm hoping I have back up copies, or at least screen shots, at home.
Greetings Shb, you said it " Took me a long time to perfect. "
Those waypoints do take time after time flying to fine-tune them to near perfection, they are not precise in spite of all 20 to 25 GPS satellites.
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It is nice that you can create them on your tablet by itself. DJI has told me that they can't be copied from one device to another, which I think is absurd. They are stored in their own directory, but I don't know where their names are stored. I stupidly deleted mine by clearing DJI Fly's data. Most weren't that important, but some took me a long time to perfect. I'm hoping I have back up copies, or at least screen shots, at home.
Check out this thread for copying Waypoint Missions from one device to another.

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Why would DJI not store the Waypoints mission on the actual drone flash card, this way we can use any remote or cell with a remote and have access to our waypoints.
Waypoints should be easy to copy and paste .
You can. See post #13 above. Copy the file to the internal microSD card in the RC and copy it to the other RC, renaming it as necessary as described in the posts in the other thread.
Just got this in an email from DJI.

The map service depends on the mobile device. Google Maps is used by default for mobile devices with a GMS service (mainly mobile phones). MapTiler is used by default for mobile devices without a GMS service (mainly remote controllers with a built-in screen)."

So when they told me, the smart RC's map had the same resolution as my tablets map, they were lying. you can't really make accurate Waypoint missions with the map tiller map.
Just got this in an email from DJI.

The map service depends on the mobile device. Google Maps is used by default for mobile devices with a GMS service (mainly mobile phones). MapTiler is used by default for mobile devices without a GMS service (mainly remote controllers with a built-in screen)."

So when they told me, the smart RC's map had the same resolution as my tablets map, they were lying. you can't really make accurate Waypoint missions with the map tiller map.
Lying requires an intent to deceive. The DJI reps are merely ignorant. FYI, there is no Smart RC for the Mavic 3 Pro. There is the DJI RC and the RC Pro, and there is the RC-N1 which has no built-in screen. Only the RC-N1 can use anything other than Map Tiler for maps. There is no dispute that the Map Tiler satellite resolution sucks relative to Google Maps on any device attached to the RC-N1. Ideally, one would use the RC-N1 with Google Maps for Mission Planning
Lying requires an intent to deceive. The DJI reps are merely ignorant. FYI, there is no Smart RC for the Mavic 3 Pro. There is the DJI RC and the RC Pro, and there is the RC-N1 which has no built-in screen. Only the RC-N1 can use anything other than Map Tiler for maps. There is no dispute that the Map Tiler satellite resolution sucks relative to Google Maps on any device attached to the RC-N1. Ideally, one would use the RC-N1 with Google Maps for Mission Planning
My question would be, why can't DJI spend some money with their controllers with built in screens, and get Google maps?
My question would be, why can't DJI spend some money with their controllers with built in screens, and get Google maps?
They could, but choose not to. Less money spent is more profit. You do have the workaround though, to use Google Maps, on other devices, and then export the file to the RC Pro or DJI RC.

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