Well-Known Member
Kenji put this out because he didn't like the way RID was implemented. Having pilot location public knowledge is a very concerning issue. His app will only allow subscribers to see pilot location. And only qualified folks will have that subscription.
And that's where the monetization of the app comes from, now only premium karens will know where you are.

Other apps like DroneScanner and OpenDroneID are free and others will come. There are also inexpensive dedicated receivers which have way better performance that spartphones/tablets and don't require any third party app.
And apart from that, we already had Aeroscope for law enforcement.
Of course, the use of RID listeners is marginal for now, and on low populated areas chances that someone's hearing are little, but on more populated areas, someone will pick up your drone, either by RID or Aeroscope.
In around 530 hours of flight time I "only" had 3-4 shouting karens approaches and none of them have been caused by RID, but by them actually hearing/seeing the drone flying or seeing me with the drone in my hands prior takeoff, but it's just a matter of time that karen apps get popular among karens.
A 1.000-4.000 € flying camera screaming around come and rob me at 3.5Km it's about the same that walking through a favela with a Lowepro backpack full of glass.
PS: Of course, we'll reach the point that nobody will care anymore about your drone, but we are years from that, 10-20 at least, so in the meantime either prepare your ****, leave the hobby or don't comply.
And ofc this post is not by any means an "attack" to app/receivers developers.
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