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What happens to someone.... REALLY... if they shoot your drone down?

I don't think he's provoking anyone he just wants to fly from his house and not be bothered, just like me. I'm sure he doesn't drop his drone down to 10 feet agl and look in this guys windows.
I have a neighbor that's really a piece of work.. I do believe I've mentioned my lovely neighbor on here before. I live in a rural area and I've been flying from my home around the neighborhood for the past year-and-a-half or better. I definitely do not loiter over anyone's property in fact I'm usually in full speed as I go over and I'm usually at least 300 feet. All my other surrounding neighbors are aware of what I do for a hobby and they're perfectly fine with it because they know I'm not some kind of a deviant trying to peer at their family. Last weekend I was actually up, flying up and down the roads out here trying to help my other neighbor find her dog I was actually flying at 150 ft that day because I wanted to be a little lower to try and spot her dog. Because he saw me FLYING DOWN THE ROAD in front of his house he called the law on me. as I was flying, a cop pulled up and parked in front of my house, got out and walked up to me and says well I guess you know why I'm here. And I replied no not really. That's when he informed me that the neighbor had called and told him I had been hovering low over his property looking in his windows... Haha.. I know! So any pilot that has flown over a day knows what it would take to get down low enough and look in someone's Windows with that drone. He could have knocked it out of the sky with a broom if I had been that low. I wrote a little in here last week about this incident,... so late yesterday evening almost dark I was flying and I Heard a Voice from over there saying "if you fly over my house again I'm going to shoot that down". Personally I don't even believe he could hit it, but let's say he did,... will they really hit him with a federal charge? because from what all I've read it's a federal issue to shoot down an aircraft of any kind including a drone. I've heard all kind of things from all kind of people but I'd like to get a informed response from actual drone Pilots .

This actually happened in my winter vacation neighborhood a year ago. A neighbor a few doors down apparently took offense to a drone flying in a large unoccupied open field behind his house, took aim and was able to hit it causing it to crash. I was back home at the time but I heard about it from my landlord/housemate who knew I was a drone pilot. The person that lost his drone was also a neighbor. I don't know if there was any sort of confrontation between the 2 parties. There is a deputy sheriff who also lives in the neighborhood. He parks his sheriff's car in his driveway when he's home and off-duty. The one who lost his drone told the deputy about the incident. Rather than enter a formal complaint and energize the law enforcement system, the deputy simply walked down to the shooter's house and had a chat with him. We have no idea what was said. Hopefully it was enough to keep peace in the neighborhood. I'm here now and fly my drone from my backyard on the same block as the shooter's. I condemn his use of a firearm to show off his shooting skills but I do keep a respectable distance between his backyard and mine. It's all a matter of common sense and courtesy.
Nobody said the OP was "the bad guy". But several pilots (including myself) advised that it may not be wise to provoke fools who carry shotguns. Its a lose-lose situation that is easily avoided.

You are right, other responders just pointed out how it’s not smart to argue with neighbors or to entice them into doing something
I don't think he's provoking anyone he just wants to fly from his house and not be bothered, just like me. I'm sure he doesn't drop his drone down to 10 feet agl and look in this guys windows.

OP’s not trying to, but a wacky neighbor is a horrible thing to have to deal with - even if the poor guy stays 400’ away from that neighbor, it sounds like he will still be mad. OP should really try to get on his good side.
I think I would try and make a report to the local law enforcement. Telling them that I was being harassed. And that he was threatening to use a firearm to resolve a perceived problem that he had.

Totally agree. You need to strike first, and report to that same police force that your neighbor is threatening to use firearms. It will then be on record, and this same neighbor will probably receive a visit of their own, reinforcing the consequences of their actions. And remember, you have flight data (i.e. facts) on your side.

My favorite word in the English language, and one that has fallen out of favor it today's sissy, Internet-obsessed society, is "consequences". Its easy to voice a threat. He needs to appreciate the consequences of his obsession.
This actually happened in my winter vacation neighborhood a year ago. A neighbor a few doors down apparently took offense to a drone flying in a large unoccupied open field behind his house, took aim and was able to hit it causing it to crash. I was back home at the time but I heard about it from my landlord/housemate who knew I was a drone pilot. The person that lost his drone was also a neighbor. I don't know if there was any sort of confrontation between the 2 parties. There is a deputy sheriff who also lives in the neighborhood. He parks his sheriff's car in his driveway when he's home and off-duty. The one who lost his drone told the deputy about the incident. Rather than enter a formal complaint and energize the law enforcement system, the deputy simply walked down to the shooter's house and had a chat with him. We have no idea what was said. Hopefully it was enough to keep peace in the neighborhood. I'm here now and fly my drone from my backyard on the same block as the shooter's. I condemn his use of a firearm to show off his shooting skills but I do keep a respectable distance between his backyard and mine. It's all a matter of common sense and courtesy.

The same person would take offense if someone vandalized their car parked on a public street, and police would act on it, so there’s no reason why a malicious shooter shouldn’t be cited for doing something like destroying a drone being legally flown.
I have a neighbor that's really a piece of work.. I do believe I've mentioned my lovely neighbor on here before. I live in a rural area and I've been flying from my home around the neighborhood for the past year-and-a-half or better. I definitely do not loiter over anyone's property in fact I'm usually in full speed as I go over and I'm usually at least 300 feet. All my other surrounding neighbors are aware of what I do for a hobby and they're perfectly fine with it because they know I'm not some kind of a deviant trying to peer at their family. Last weekend I was actually up, flying up and down the roads out here trying to help my other neighbor find her dog I was actually flying at 150 ft that day because I wanted to be a little lower to try and spot her dog. Because he saw me FLYING DOWN THE ROAD in front of his house he called the law on me. as I was flying, a cop pulled up and parked in front of my house, got out and walked up to me and says well I guess you know why I'm here. And I replied no not really. That's when he informed me that the neighbor had called and told him I had been hovering low over his property looking in his windows... Haha.. I know! So any pilot that has flown over a day knows what it would take to get down low enough and look in someone's Windows with that drone. He could have knocked it out of the sky with a broom if I had been that low. I wrote a little in here last week about this incident,... so late yesterday evening almost dark I was flying and I Heard a Voice from over there saying "if you fly over my house again I'm going to shoot that down". Personally I don't even believe he could hit it, but let's say he did,... will they really hit him with a federal charge? because from what all I've read it's a federal issue to shoot down an aircraft of any kind including a drone. I've heard all kind of things from all kind of people but I'd like to get a informed response from actual drone Pilots .
Hey bud, sorry to hear about that. I think the bigger fish to fry would be that he is brandashing a weapon and fires into the sky could kill someone. I tend to be a little more antaganistic (I know I need to mature) I would either leave a copy on his doorstep or mail him the local law about shooting a gun into the sky Shooting a gun into the sky in a rural area can litterally alter the course of his life. flying your drone over his house to find a dog... will not. Nas honestly this may be me but I would love to see him explain why shooting or attempting to shoot a drone out of the sky in a populated area was the absolute safes non invasive way to handle a neighbor dispute lol Riiight! Youve made your piece with your other neighbors, If the law is onyour side why allow him to shake your confidemce
I don't think he's provoking anyone he just wants to fly from his house and not be bothered, just like me. I'm sure he doesn't drop his drone down to 10 feet agl and look in this guys windows.

You don't think he's provoking the neighbor. And I don't think he's provoking the neighbor. But the angry guy with the loaded shotgun thinks he is being provoked and that's the issue.
The FAA doesnt have the man power or willingness to react to things like this. If you are in a city, discharging a firearm for any reason is probably a crime. If outside the city, Maybe he gets destruction of property, IF it doesnt crash an his land and he has possesion of the shot down drone.
The real question is, why keep pushing it? Unless you just really love the Drama of pissing off your neighbors just to prove your right (if you even are), why not pack it in a car and drive to where there are no people? You are not supposed to be flying near people anyway.
because he cant change where he lives and has every right not to be intimidated or bullied by the person you are stuck living next to, This is the neighbors problem and his alone. He is not responsible for his neighbors mis perseptions, mis information, bad day or what ever the hell his problem is , WITHOUT being threatened that a gun is coming out. Dont be intimidated, yes be respectful but you will never make him happy so let him live his miserable life while you enjoy legally flying your drone wherewver the F you want
You don't think he's provoking the neighbor. And I don't think he's provoking the neighbor. But the angry guy with the loaded shotgun thinks he is being provoked and that's the issue.
No doubtt lol actually really well put lol I would still fly till my hearts content but you make a great point haha
You don't think he's provoking the neighbor. And I don't think he's provoking the neighbor. But the angry guy with the loaded shotgun thinks he is being provoked and that's the issue.
exactly. And if he was making any real effort to NOT disturb the crazy neighbor, there would be no voice from the other side of the fence in the first place.
Just because you can doesnt mean you should.
I don't even believe he could hit it, but let's say he did,... will they really hit him with a federal charge? because from what all I've read it's a federal issue to shoot down an aircraft of any kind including a drone. I've heard all kind of things from all kind of people but I'd like to get a informed response from actual drone Pilots .

Don’t be “that guy” in the neighborhood. Fly your drone away from people.

If he takes pot shots at your drone, and you continue with your bad behavior, you’ll be the next target. You don’t need that.[/QUOTE]

See “bad behavior” in Dogbreath’s comment
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Some good advice here but the issue raised a question for me. Would the flight log be specific enough to prove to the policeman that you did not fly close to his house trying to peek into the windows? If so, that may be a way to discredit this idiot and you might even be able to issue a complaint for falsely accusing you of something.

I would think that would absolutely show that you didn't do what the neighbor said you did. However I wouldn't rush to show it right away. Even if you did get arrested and charged the onus is on the police to prove you guilty. Without evidence they can't prove you guilty. That's why I find it best to not even engage the neighbor if you have a problem neighbor. I would document all interactions with the neighbor because eventually it will become a problem.
It’s your right to fly a drone when and where it’s legal, but you do have to ask yourself, is it worth living with and even possibly getting on the news with the neighbor in a negative way? And even if you are in the right, the cops are going to start getting mad at you for stirring things up with that neighbor.

Why not do something entirely unexpected and buy a cheap drone to give to your neighbor to go fly with you? Win him over. If you don’t want to fork out $50, maybe start a gofundme drone ambassadors project, make him your first recipient. It may grow into a cool project with kids and others too!

Has political correctness really gotten so bad that the person participating in a legal activity is the one who's supposed to kiss the *** of the nut-job neighbor and try to assuage his irrational paranoia?

Where does it end? If your neighbor told you he really hated the color of your house, would you paint or reside it just to keep the peace?

I also seriously doubt the cops are going to be angry with the OP for flying legally(assuming he's doing so). More likely they're going to have an issue with the person making baseless nuisance complaints, not the person the complaints are against.
Has political correctness really gotten so bad that the person participating in a legal activity is the one who's supposed to kiss the *** of the nut-job neighbor and try to assuage his irrational paranoia?

Where does it end? If your neighbor told you he really hated the color of your house, would you paint or reside it just to keep the peace?

I also seriously doubt the cops are going to be angry with the OP for flying legally(assuming he's doing so). More likely they're going to have an issue with the person making baseless nuisance complaints, not the person the complaints are against.

Neighbood politeness rules over the issues here. Anyways, the OP can still fly legally, and I hope we all remember that the voting public have to be on our side.

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Neighbood politeness rules over the issues here. Anyways, the OP can still fly legally, and I hope we all remember that the voting public have to be on our side.


Politicians do what they want regardless of the voting public. Sometimes they don't even read the bills.

There's no way I'm going to be nice to my neighbor after having to deal with her nightmarish and illegal behaviors. I get that we should all be courteous but that goes out the window when you have a garbage neighbor.
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Politicians do what they want regardless of the voting public. Sometimes they don't even read the bills.

There's no way I'm going to be nice to my neighbor after having to deal with her nightmarish and illegal behaviors. I get that we should all be courteous but that goes out the window when you have a garbage neighbor.

I have one of those too, and my car that I park on the street has not been vandalized yet. They don’t know I fly or own a drone so that’s never become an issue either. Ok, well we all have choices- I just stay nice and it has worked for over 40 years living in working class neighborhoods here in So. Cal! :)
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I prefer to take a more proactive approach. I think that you should take your drone AND a six pack down to his house. Offer him a beer and explain that you understand his concern, and would like the chance to show him that drones really aren't all that intrusive. Keep the camera pointed away from him and his house. Ask him if it would be ok for you to fly it, so that you can show him what the camera view looks like. Or maybe just show him some video that you have already taken, perhaps looking at your own house. I think that Hollywood has given many people a very false idea about the camera potential of drones. A multimillion dollar Predator might have a camera capable of zooming in on the hairs on a gnat's butt, but we know that the comercially available drones don't.Ask him if he is afraid every time that someone walks by his house with their cell phone out. A nice friendly conversation over a couple beers might be the best approach.
I have one of those too, and my car that I park on the street has not been vandalized yet. They don’t know I fly or own a drone so that’s never become an issue either. Ok, well we all have choices- I just stay nice and it has worked for over 40 years living in working class neighborhoods here in So. Cal! :)

I was very nice to my neighbors when I moved in. I get out of work early in the day so I would bring their garbage cans up about 3 times a month. Myback neighbor and I cleaned up a 40 by 150 area of leaves for them 3 years in a row. (the husband came out and thanked us). I helped the husband carry multiple heavy items at times. I cut up a tree that fell down in a storm once when I saw the husband struggling with his small electric chain saw, I rebuilt 150 feet of my fence and the husband thanked me for making the property nice (I bought a foreclosure that was rented out for 2 years).

Do you know what I got in return from the lady next door? Her raking and throwing leaves over my fence last year. Her trespassing on my property and going into my back yard (fenced with a gate) multiple times. Her throwing rocks and debris over my fence into my yard. Her breaking slats of my fence so she can peer thru. Her using a cell phone to record my gf and I in our bathing suits. Before this happened she asked if she could have a tree service trim the limbs on a tree that overhangs their property. Came home 3 days later and the tree was gone. A 65 foot black cherry tree totally gone. There's some more stuff but it took a lot before I finally called the police and pressed multiple charges on her.

Don't assume that I didn't try my best with my neighbors. Don't assume that others haven't as well . Some people are just crazy. The best thing to do is ignore them and live your life. Record any interactions for the police.
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