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What is going on with DJI GO

Here is how to downgrade:

Copy files from DJI Record folder or any others you want to save first. These are cache files of flights.
Sync your records to your DJI acct (if you choose to)

Uninstall the latest GO4 app
Delete the DJI folder from the mobile device internal storage (not sd)
Install the 4.2.16 apk if you also have a Spark or Air. If not you can go back further. 4.2.12 is popular.
Go to Play Store and defeat the "auto update" on GO4 app. That will keep your app on the version you like.
Reboot your device.
Happy Flying in Android land again.
And here is where you can download the DJI V.16 apk
DJI GO 4--For drones since P4 4.2.16 APK Download by DJI TECHNOLOGY CO., LTD - APKMirror
For the first time last week, I started getting video interference, I downgraded DJI Go 4 to 4.2.14 and now all is well
What hardware are you running on?
Have you noticed any reduced functionality after the downgrade? That is, anything that matters to you?
I went to 4.2.12 around a month ago, but am going to bump it back up to 4.2.16 as I had no idea at the time which updater had borked things (I was far behind) and jumped back a ways. Not sure if it is related, but ever since then my photos only sporadically sync to my phone, and I usually have to go into gallery and manually download them. The video previews seem to sync ok though. I'm also flying with significantly out of date firmware on the Mavic itself because it works now and I have very little faith that updating is going to improve anything for me. I'm going to ask about it though, as an intermediate version may have actually improved something.
If anyone is looking at Litchi to solve this problem, such as I was going to do, you have to read the reviews inside of the app store. I was heading there to just bite the bullet and spend the extra money. Only to find out, some of the complaints mentioned the same issues we have with Go4. I'll add that Litchi must have some great support because they did respond to many of the complaints. And here is what it came down to. It's not Litchi's fault at all. The way they have to design their software comes from internal programming structures from DJI. And until DJI gets that software fixed, it won't matter if you use GO4 or Litchi, you will get the same problem. I think, once the problem is solved, I will still get that software for some of the simple features that make Active Track flying really simple.
The one issue I do have now after going back to 4.2.12 is that photos no longer automatically sync to my phone (yes the settings is on). I have to manually go into the gallery, select them all, and tell them to transfer.

They broke that around about December on the android DJI Go and it hasn't worked on any release since.
If anyone is looking at Litchi to solve this problem, such as I was going to do, you have to read the reviews inside of the app store. I was heading there to just bite the bullet and spend the extra money. Only to find out, some of the complaints mentioned the same issues we have with Go4. I'll add that Litchi must have some great support because they did respond to many of the complaints. And here is what it came down to. It's not Litchi's fault at all. The way they have to design their software comes from internal programming structures from DJI. And until DJI gets that software fixed, it won't matter if you use GO4 or Litchi, you will get the same problem. I think, once the problem is solved, I will still get that software for some of the simple features that make Active Track flying really simple.
Don't expect DJI to fix anything for android. Just tracking previous Go4 Android device killer update topics and DJI forum, it's clear they have no intent on fixing anything.
This is a prime reason so many have said F DJI and went to Autel. From what I can see, DJI doesn't give a flying f about Android.

People there post about compat devices, have late model devices and get told by admins the device is not supported. That list is a joke, but the admins post it every time. That list includes devices almost 4 years old as compatible. It's an absolute joke, and DJI doesn't care. They have been this way since the Apple partnership. I suppose they expect more sheep type consumers where DJI can do no wrong. DJI has been adding code that f's up Litchi too.
If anyone is looking at Litchi to solve this problem, such as I was going to do, you have to read the reviews inside of the app store. I was heading there to just bite the bullet and spend the extra money. Only to find out, some of the complaints mentioned the same issues we have with Go4. I'll add that Litchi must have some great support because they did respond to many of the complaints. And here is what it came down to. It's not Litchi's fault at all. The way they have to design their software comes from internal programming structures from DJI. And until DJI gets that software fixed, it won't matter if you use GO4 or Litchi, you will get the same problem.

That's true to some extent. Litchi (and every other third-party app) is based on DJI's SDK, so if there is a bug in that code it will affect all apps. However, when I first encountered the pixellation issue with 4.2.20 I tried a flight with Litchi and the video was clear, sharp, and stable just like always.
That's true to some extent. Litchi (and every other third-party app) is based on DJI's SDK, so if there is a bug in that code it will affect all apps. However, when I first encountered the pixellation issue with 4.2.20 I tried a flight with Litchi and the video was clear, sharp, and stable just like always.
And people with 4.2.20 problems on Go4 said "just buy Litchi" and not but a week or so later 4.2.21 came out, along with .0400 fw, and the users started reporting issues with their newly purchased Litchi Apps.

DJI just runs out of Apple's playbook these days. Sheep customers will buy anything. If you have half a market, it's enough to maintain high success. Lead people to believe their devices are supported, and then add some code to each update that totally f's that device. Just like Apple does to their users. Render older devices inoperable for new updates and people will stand in line again. Tell you are doing them a favor by throttling back to save their cpu from failing, and that is why your device is slow as a turtle. People will buy that shii hook line and sinker.

What's really annoying to most people, especially drone newcomers, is that they are expected to buy a new mobile product in order for ONE app to work. All the other apps in their phones or tablets work fine. Go4 does not. Then it's fun for many to explain to their spouse or even themselves.. so wtf... I need to buy a new device or an iOS device for this ONE app.

What's crazier than that?? That is exactly what most consumers have done. My guess is a Mini5 is about to be released. Apple's latest update has started to f with Mini4's which are highly regarded, but Apple will make that product useless as well, and get DJI to bloat the Go4 app for iOS a bit more to render it unusable. It's an A8 cpu and 2G ram. Go4 can spike up to 750M when caching and updating telem in flight. This creates glitches and video pixel blocks on the Mini4's now. Not all, but quite a few reporting. Mine does the same thing, or it goes into zebra bars when Over Exposure Warning is disabled. My Mini4 isn't the only one with that newer problem. Give it a few months and Mini4's will be shii products for Go4... Yes ONE app will render that device unusable. What will be the result? People will stand in line for the next Mini5.
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