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What should I have done?


Active Member
Dec 29, 2017
Flew my Mavic today all fine. Had walked a long way from my home. Put on another battery took off RTH home point set. I started to walk home through fields - battery got to 30% so I thought I would carry on a bit.(first stupid thing). Mavic decided at circa 23% it needed to RTH - which was a fair distance away. I held stick to land but it would only hold position at head height. Decided to hand catch (second stupid thing) and turn sideways to turn it off. It would not turn off and was trying to fly at full speed even though it was side ways. I decided to let it go....carefully .....flew up and held it with down stick until battery reached 10% when it auto landed.
Have only been flying for a few months.
This all happened very fast.
I know really I should have let it RTH and just picked it up but I didn't!
What should I have done to cancel the RTH bearing in mind I had the thing in my hand going at full speed and could not touch the controller only using one hand.
Mavic now back on charge with my tail between my legs - as I could have wrecked it so easily.

Biggest learning for me is that it all happened so fast!
Turn off Landing Protection so it will not hover endlessly because it thinks the ground is unsafe, and you can catch it very easily.
Had the very same thing happen to me last night...was going for distance and barely got it home on less than 20% battery. Mine was also trying to RTH and would only hover around eye level when trying to land. I also hand caught it, but while holding left stick down and turning on its side it did shut down. It’s hard not to feel a little panic when battery is getting critically low, but I think if we had cancelled rth before landing it would have made things a little easier! ;)
Thank you.
My challenge was that it was going at full tilt so with one hand was struggling to do anything with the controller. I had not realised how much it would pull. Why did it not turn off when I tilted it side ways?
Again, turn off landing protection. It is a stupid function that has caused several injuries because people panicked and tried to grab it from the air (while it wouldn't shut down) without any experience.
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Flew my Mavic today all fine. Had walked a long way from my home. Put on another battery took off RTH home point set. I started to walk home through fields - battery got to 30% so I thought I would carry on a bit.(first stupid thing). Mavic decided at circa 23% it needed to RTH - which was a fair distance away. I held stick to land but it would only hold position at head height. Decided to hand catch (second stupid thing) and turn sideways to turn it off. It would not turn off and was trying to fly at full speed even though it was side ways. I decided to let it go....carefully .....flew up and held it with down stick until battery reached 10% when it auto landed.
Have only been flying for a few months.
This all happened very fast.
I know really I should have let it RTH and just picked it up but I didn't!
What should I have done to cancel the RTH bearing in mind I had the thing in my hand going at full speed and could not touch the controller only using one hand.
Mavic now back on charge with my tail between my legs - as I could have wrecked it so easily.

Biggest learning for me is that it all happened so fast!
All things considered, you handled it very well (you did not crash or panic) well done!
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Had the very same thing happen to me last night...was going for distance and barely got it home on less than 20% battery. Mine was also trying to RTH and would only hover around eye level when trying to land. I also hand caught it, but while holding left stick down and turning on its side it did shut down. It’s hard not to feel a little panic when battery is getting critically low, but I think if we had cancelled rth before landing it would have made things a little easier! ;)
I was working on the principal that tipping it 90 degrees - does this actually work?
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