I would be wary of this seller and stay away. We did have a PayPal issue that was caused because of the dreaded PayPal compliance reviews, but it’s been a moving target with this seller.
Told me it was mine after I agreed on his price, then I saw him contact someone on another thread saying it was still for sell.
We talked after that and he said it was mine again, and we would deal with payment and PayPal on Monday. It’s Sunday night and he’s backed out again after we agreed on shipping and price again, I sent him the full payment we agreed on, but it did get flagged for compliance by them. Before we could resolve it he stopped responding to me. He also sent me another higher invoice than what we agreed on after I already sent payment. I had to explain the math of our agreement to him.
The PayPal issue wasn’t either of our faults. Me being out of the cost of a second day air shipment, poor communication, shady dealings, and not following through with your word, even through PayPal issue is on him.
Everything I say I have screen shots of, and all calls came through my business phone system so were recorded. I tried to get him to conference in with PayPal, and offered to send him all call recordings but he didn’t want them.