Many threads here discussing the same thing already. And you see the same reactions. Some will, some won't.
Personally I really couldn't really be bothered at all with what other people might do. A lot of people are doing exactly how DJI marketeers wants their buyers to behave on social media. I'm not falling for that. I would only shell out more money if it would be something I really need on top of what I already have.
I'm keeping my Pro for sure. It has way too much stuff already that I never use, and have to switch off.
It's the same thing when Nikon suddenly started to implement face recognition and all kinds of instant gratification modes. I was always used to figuring out myself what the best settings were (coming from manual SLR's), as long as the auto focus worked fast and reliable I was happy. Which is why I still use a D200.
The camera might be a step up on the
MP2, I realise that. But the results I get with my MP are quite adequate. I simply don't want to spend 6 months (at least) with try and error on a new drone again. That, and the fact that I still have a Inspire1 that can carry a X(R)5 if/when I need it. Good enough for me.
If I get another drone it probably won't be a DJI because I have had it with the constant Go4 updates, only because some other products (Air, Spark,
I2, need I go on) new feature needs to be supported, messing up things for my MP.