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Why does my Air2 stop after 100m and 30 m hight? Can anybody help?

I concur with those citing the GPS not having a "fix."
I have direct personal experience with this problem while inside a SLOT CANYON.
for a proper GPS "fix" one needs at least 4 GPS sats in "view."
For a tentative GPS fix, three GPS can do the trick, but not well.
Let's go over this as it may be you and others don't really understand how the whole GPS/Sat Nav thing works. Satellite navigation requires only 3 "locked" signals, 4 sats for a 3D lock which our aircraft doesn't use as they use barometer for the height aspect, which is good as GPS has a very wide margin for approximation of altitude as compared.

DJI in the past used to use 7 satellites detected and within limits (A whole long explanation, no need to go into that) That was 3 locked into flight system as recognized, the rest as a 100% redundancy +1 :p. So just to clarify when said "4 sats in view" we are not talking your on screen display, and as mentioned not for reception sats proper for location as 3 is all needed. Flight is not locked out now (As before and some other manufactures) as it will allow launch in Atti mode, but home point will not be set until it has the set amount of redundancy needed to confirm a "All systems go" by what DJI determines it wants.

Now nobody knows how far into the whole navigation system delves into the sats now as each manufacture likely determines what they want. I can say as of the Mavic 2 series that 7 isn't the magic number anymore, I believe DJI has moved to 10 perhaps. It then picks from those 10 to use Trilateration to determine location in 2D space given "Strongest" signal. It isn't known if it then may use double or even triple that amount to really nail down and lock the drone, in the given specs that it flies. So for those who see 18-20 sats on screen (App Side) just note that it just counted reception of that amount it in no way means that is actually using that many as it is not, well most probably isn't, no one knows (well DJI Engineers do), but they never did in the past and hover was hover hold from 6 years ago :p To further, DJI gives specs on location accuracy, once you clear the count needed for home lock (Let's call it 10), those specs are now active and viable, so we know it isn't using any more sats system wide beyond that point in my view and practice and as before still may be using the needed three, for all we know. :)
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