I provided a detailed, lengthy explanation of the operation of the Flight Controller, and how its function resulted in the reported behavior.
You explained that the flight controller adjusts for a crosswind, tailwind, or headwind to hold a steady course direction, and how it limits the drone's groundspeed. You did not explain how pulling back on the control stick resulted in the drone flying "
full-throttle sideways, slamming into the shore."
You completely ignored it.
I certainly did not ignore it. Please re-read my response to your explanation in
post #38 in which I asked for clarification specifically about your Flight Controller explanations.
In particular, how is the drone measuring groundspeed? If it is using the VPS, then the apparent groundspeed would be zero while the drone maintains a constant fixed position over the drifting leaf. Or, if GPS is being used, the drone would be measuring some finite groundspeed while following the motion of the drifting leaf.
In either scenario, I asked how pulling back on the control stick would ever result in the flight controller paradoxically shooting the drone at "
full-throttle sideways, slamming into the shore"?
By what logic does the discrepancy between the zero groundspeed seen by the VPS, versus some measured groundspeed determined by change in GPS location, cause the drone to fly sideways at full-throttle instead of rearward as commanded by the control stick input?
Honestly, if you sincerely desire a dialog about this and are open-minded about learning, then engage, ask meaningful questions, and I will too.
did ask questions (as
repeated above), to which your repeated response has been that you don't have the patience and can't be bothered to come up with further explanations.
My answers to your questions have been met with dismissive responses like, "you haven't offered any reasonable explanation".
I think I also used the word, "irrelevant". How does the Flight Controller, when trying to hold a straight course line automatically compensating for crosswinds, or by imposing a maximum limit on groundspeed, result in the drone shooting off sideways when commanded to go rearward?
Honestly, if you sincerely desire a dialog about this and are open-minded about learning, then engage, ask meaningful questions, and I will too.
Begin by answering my meaningful questions.
I'll even give another video example illustrating how my old P1 Phantom actually could produce an unexpected
"wild, paradoxical response to control input". After my alarming experience with the near runaway of my Phantom, I did a bunch of tests to better familiarize myself with the differences in behaviour of Home-Lock versus Course-Lock. There were some surprising quirks.
In this example, pulling back on the stick in Home-Lock would bring the drone back toward me exactly as expected, but only until reaching a point 10m from the recorded Home Point. At that point, even though I continued to hold the stick in the exact same rearward position, the Phantom would suddenly and paradoxically change course and shoot 90
° sideways off to the left. This sounds a lot like the scenario you described.
The reason for this was the Phantom cannot operate in Home-Lock mode any closer than 10m from the Home Point. Within 10m, even if Home-Lock was selected, the drone would automatically switch itself to Course-Lock mode.
If you'd never read that section of the User Manual, you'd be in for a big surprise if you ever encountered this scenario during flight. You might even be tempted to call it a sudden "loss of control". But even if it looks confusing, the drone was reacting predictably and exactly as programmed, and as documented in the User Manual.
Here I show how Course-Lock works, then Home-Lock, and at 9:30 I demonstrate how it switches itself between modes upon encountering the 10m range limit. I encouraged people to repeat this experiment for themselves using their own P1 Phantom, to verify that this will happen every time in exactly the same manner, because that is how the drone is programmed to behave.
It's only a "loss of control" or paradoxical behaviour if you weren't expecting it to behave this way. But it's still pilot error if you haven't read the manual and weren't aware that this is how it's programmed to respond under these circumstances.