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Yet another NFZ question (I couldn't find an answer for!)


Well-Known Member
Jun 27, 2017
Austin, Tx.
Two questions I couldn't find a clear answer to, appreciate the help from anyone who has experienced this NFZ scenario...
I have obtained DJI unlock for the blue area in the screenshot below and I only plan on flying around 150'.
If I want to fly in the area circled in green, I should be able to do so, correct? If I 'bump' up against the red area, will the Mavic 2 just stop there or will it stop the waypoint mission and come back in a straight route to me?
Second question. If I *were* (don't intend to!) fly the blue route toward the end of the red zone, would the Mavic 2 try to return to me (green line) directly, which it shouldn't since in a red zone, or will it backtrack on the waypoints?
Would appreciate insight on these two scenarios and how the Mavic 2 would behave.gpt.PNG
If I *were* (don't intend to!) fly the blue route toward the end of the red zone, would the Mavic 2 try to return to me (green line) directly, which it shouldn't since in a red zone, or will it backtrack on the waypoints?

Being that it can't return home in a straight line I would be afraid it would force a landing right in the water....
Being that it can't return home in a straight line I would be afraid it would force a landing right in the water....
Brett, do you know this from experience or are you guessing? I wasn't sure if your reply meant you had experienced this before.
Brett, do you know this from experience or are you guessing? I wasn't sure if your reply meant you had experienced this before.

It cannot go over the restricted zone and the firmware has no functionality to go around obstacles, so it will hover and then autoland at the boundary.
I only plan on flying around 150'
You should rethink your mission plan if you are a hobby flyer.
The area you intend to fly in is controlled airspace. LAANC would give you a 50' clearance (part 107)

Regarding the technical questions, @sar104 has already given the right answer.
It cannot go over the restricted zone and the firmware has no functionality to go around obstacles, so it will hover and then autoland at the boundary.
Thanks SAR. If it hovers because it hits the boundary would I be able to manually fly it back or would it autoland just because it hit the boundary?
Appreciate the good info here.
Thanks SAR. If it hovers because it hits the boundary would I be able to manually fly it back or would it autoland just because it hit the boundary?
Appreciate the good info here.

We have bumped up against a restricted zone near here while testing, and the aircraft just stops, which seems like the appropriate action. That said I have seen unverified reports of aircraft somehow crossing such boundaries and then autolanding.
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Second question. If I *were* (don't intend to!) fly the blue route toward the end of the red zone, would the Mavic 2 try to return to me (green line) directly, which it shouldn't since in a red zone, or will it backtrack on the waypoints?

We have bumped up against a restricted zone near here while testing, and the aircraft just stops, which seems like the appropriate action. That said I have seen unverified reports of aircraft somehow crossing such boundaries and then autolanding.
Yes this is a very dangerous procedure. If the craft does somehow cross over the boundary (i.e. GPS signal loss, compass issues, etc...) and then it re-orients itself, it will know that it is IN the NFZ and will immediately start an auto-land. It will not attempt to leave the NFZ in any other manner. So if it is directly over water it will go down there and sink.
I have obtained DJI unlock for the blue area in the screenshot below and I only plan on flying around 150'.
You should rethink your mission plan if you are a hobby flyer.
The area you intend to fly in is controlled airspace. LAANC would give you a 50' clearance (part 107)

Regarding the technical questions, @sar104 has already given the right answer.

As @Keule properly stated, you CANNOT fly to 150 feet as your post indicated. I am assuming you are not a Commercial Part 107 pilot, from your questions. Just because DJI allows you to unlock the zone does not mean that you are allowed by the FAA to fly there. Not only is that a 50 foot ceiling grid, but you are dangerously close to the flight path of that airport and adjacent ZERO foot grids. Please familiarize yourself with the NAS, VFR sectional charts, and the facilities charts before attempting to fly anywhere near an airport like this.
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Good advice from all, and I aborted flying there since some of the trees were at least 50-60 feet. Still, I was curious about the questions I asked.
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I just read a report where someone said they received a warning that the RTH feature would fly through an NFZ .. I've only read this once, but that's encouraging, to know that the warning exists.
I bumped up against one running a dronedeploy would only hover until I cancelled the mission with the option to RTH.
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