Have just bought a set so I can see better than on my phone on a bright day. Now would love to talk to another user of same regarding best practices for set-up and use etc. Anyone willing??
I understand your question!!!!! I wear glasses (no choice) and I spent two weeks buying/returning, running around trying to find ANY model that would fit. Even the ones that said yes (at least 10 emails to various companies) were returned - EXCEPT Zeiss. They even entered into detailed discussion re the topic and suggested why/why not all kinds of issues/competitive stuff.
I was VERY impressed with them - even asked where a lousy Zeiss display was so they could get it fixed! I just got them and am trying to figure out Litchi, Healthy Drones etc to get the best from them. I also have a Samsung S5, which I understand has a conflict with Litchi/Go 4 - means I have to dump Go 4, until I need Tripod mode etc, then load again - annoying! Trying to figure it all out!!! You can tell I am an "old" technology person trying to get to be a modern nerd!!! Appreciate your input, Thanks!