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DISCONNECTED MAVIC... found on a street couple minutes later...


Active Member
Apr 3, 2017
I received this drone a couple of days ago. I took it on a couple flights to get comfortable and I was! All of a sudden, I took it up today and flew it about 2000ft away. I didn't have interferrence issues and all of a sudden the aircraft disconnected. I had 86% battery left on the drone. I waited a couple minutes and I didn't see it return to home so I frantically jumped in a car and went to its last known coordinated. I found it on the street destroyed with the battery missing. I contacted Newegg (website I purchased from) and they said I should contact DJI about this for a replacement. I have no idea what occurred and I am kind of freaking out because it obviously wasn't cheap. Any way to find logs that let me know what happened?!
what makes you think the AC disconnected? Are you sure it was not just the app that disconnected on the phone.

IF RTH was initiated it would bleep at you all the time and the controller will say coming home.

DId you set up your RTH, as return to home on lost signal?

what was your RTH height?
what makes you think the AC disconnected? Are you sure it was not just the app that disconnected on the phone.

IF RTH was initiated it would bleep at you all the time and the controller will say coming home.

DId you set up your RTH, as return to home on lost signal?

what was your RTH height?
My phone and controller said there was a disconnection.
The issue was I believe there was a malfunction with the aircraft. Even if RTH wasn't setup, doesn't it hover over the last point?
And it is set @ 30m. Well above anything within that location.
Please upload your TXT flight log here and post a link back here. You'll find instructions for locating your TXT flight log at that link.
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There is a TXT file that will help but i can not read it, others here can and i am sure they will be able to tell you how and why it happened.

As for it being set to hover, yes it should but if you still had any control of the sticks IE it was in atti mode. Then no it will not hover, it will drift until you manually choose RTH.

The first warnings you would get would be weak signal warnings adjust antennae, then you will get signal lost and 3 secs later another warning saying RTH initiated, coming home. the controller will then continuosly beep and keep saying coming home.

If none of that happened then RTH was never initiated and you would have had to do that manually.

if it is in atti mode it will not RTH. or hover.

Another possibillity is you put it in to autoland and it did that and got run over.

as i say there are experts on here in this field i am not one of them, As yet i will be honest and say so far though, there are not many loses that have been a failure of the Mavic.
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Please upload your TXT flight log here and post a link back here.
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There is a TXT file that will help but i can not read it, others here can and i am sure they will be able to tell you how and why it happened.

As for it being set to hover, yes it should but if you still had any control of the sticks IE it was in atti mode. Then no it will not hover, it will drift until you manually choose RTH.

The first warnings you would get would be weak signal warnings adjust antennae, then you will get signal lost and 3 secs later another warning saying RTH initiated, coming home. the controller will then continuosly beep and keep saying coming home.

If none of that happened then RTH was never initiated and you would have had to do that manually.

if it is in atti mode it will not RTH. or hover.

Another possibillity is you put it in to autoland and it did that and got run over.

as i say there are experts on here in this field i am not one of them, As yet i will be honest and say so far though, there are not many loses that have been a failure of the Mavic.
I checked the settings and RTH was on when signal was lost. Is it possible the battery somehow got thrown out? Sounds crazy but I did not see the batter anywhere when I found the Mavic.
Is it possible the battery somehow got thrown out? Sounds crazy but I did not see the batter anywhere when I found the Mavic.
Since the battery was not around the crash site, it sounds like it popped out before the Mavic hit the ground. If that's what really occurred, it was most likely not snapped in on both sides prior to takeoff.
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Since the battery was not around the crash site, it sounds like it popped out before the Mavic hit the ground. If that's what really occurred, it was most likely not snapped in on both sides prior to takeoff.
I just tested that actually. IDK if the battery had a faulty locking device. I put another battery in and the mavic just turned on. I slightly popped one side out and it wasnt turning on. Also, with any sort of directional movement, the battery will not pop out since most of the force is down into the center of the drone. Weird to me. It is also VERY difficult to pop out with only one side out.
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everything shows full signal etc then its like someone just snatched the drone, brave taking off near a power plant lol :)

it used 18 percent battery in 3 mins, pretty rapid, although you were in sports mode most of that time.

i have no clue what happened like u i guess.there have been reports of batterys being thrown out when not connected right. it is possible did it happen? not sure we will ever know but as the battery was not anywhere close by as msinger said it is possible.
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everything shows full signal etc then its like someone just snatched the drone, brave taking off near a power plant lol :)

it used 18 percent battery in 3 mins, pretty rapid, although you were in sports mode most of that time.

i have no clue what happened like u i guess.there have been reports of batterys being thrown out when not connected right. it is possible did it happen? not sure we will ever know but as the battery was not anywhere close by as msinger said it is possible.
I wonder what DJI will do about this. Like I said, I had this thing for a couple days o_O
It is also VERY difficult to pop out with only one side out.
So, why wasn't the battery at the crash site? It should have been near the Mavic if it popped out on impact.
I wonder what DJI will do about this. Like I said, I had this thing for a couple days o_O
one other thing was your phone recording at that time did you look at the footage. only thing i can think of other than this is a bird strike

i have had two very very close calls with birds, now when i see something like this i have to wonder, the skies are more crowded than we think
one other thing was your phone recording at that time did you look at the footage. only thing i can think of other than this is a bird strike

i have had two very very close calls with birds, now when i see something like this i have to wonder, the skies are more crowded than we think
Is it under the cache? If it is, it must have been full because I didn't see any video from that flight.
The only reasonable conclusion is that it did not pop out at the crash site (or someone picked it up before you got there).
The only reasonable conclusion is that it did not pop out at the crash site (or someone picked it up before you got there).
I got to the site literally 5 minutes after the disconnection and only saw the drone upside down damaged. No battery.
Is it under the cache? If it is, it must have been full because I didn't see any video from that flight.
shame i would have liked to have seen it. msinger is probably righ,t he normally is to be honest, i would not go against that without evidence
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