Step 1: Open the door of the basement
Step 2: Tell the kids there is a special drone for them in the basement
Step 3: Wait untill they are all in
Step 4: Close the door and put a lock on it
Step 5: Take your drone and enjoy the flight
The best way to handle someone who is complaining about you flying, is taking the time to show them what you do and how it works. If they see, that from an altitude of 50 meters in a distance of 75 meters it is hard to identify someone (not imposible, but hard), most of them start rethinking...
I just watched a video of some guys doing public photography in the UK, At one point, they flew a drone, with a reference that they checked "there are no flight restrictions". Now, In Germany (my base) and Sweden (where I fly most), there are areas which are not soecific pointed out as under...
For my understanding: Do you not have videofeed on your controler anymore or is the system not recording anymore (so no footage at the SD-Card on return?
If the videofeed on your controler breaks down, that is nothing unusual (but still anoying). As long as you have the footage on the card...
I would say: stay safe and consider the red areas as "no fly zone" unless specific otherwise defined.
And since within the EC VLOS is requiered, you soon will get a problem flying after sunset or before sunrise. The smaller your drone is, the harder it will be to see.
I noticed, still using a the air1, that sometimes, the home point wasn't accurate. I wondered and found out, that i just needed to wait about 30 more seconds before starting to fly. Flying before the homepoint was set, caused (as experts will know) the homepoint actually being set about three or...
I'm afraid, there is no safe "quick way" to get your drone. Now, I travel by car, so sometimes I keep the controller and tablet connected and have them in a box in the back of the car, but only if I change locations for a short distance.
If you have an way of being in conact with your buddies...
Spontaneously I think of possible flight restrictions close to the point where you took of. IF that would have been the case, the drone could have a problem returning to you.
The only way to get certainty though is, if you publish the flight log here (you find it on your phone/tablet, named by...
I use litchi to plan waypoint missions. From experience with that, following observation:
As I prepare the mission, I decide what happens at the end of mission. Either stay at the last waypoint and hover, return to point one ore RTH. Since my point 1 is set relativly close to my take-off point...
Video and/or photos are not captured on the phone, they are on the SD-Card in the drone. I think there is (was) an option to store video on the phone too, but it was less quality and contrary to the sotrage on the SD-Card, it will have all the interferences and fall-aways you see during the flight.
As my mac crashed, I had no problem setting the systemup on a new one, using the last backup. Within a few hours I had a new book and it was on the software-level I had before the crash. No need for new software.
Did you use the "migrationassisten" Apple has standard installed?
Give us a little time, please, to answer. In some parts of the world,people were sleeping as you posted :)
I would say, the home point is set where your TOP is. Shutdown is the "end of flight" and as you start again, the TOP will be the homepoint.